HRD33 - Additional disabilities among adults with a primary physical or sensory disability on NASSHealthAdditional disabilities among adults with a primary physical or sensory disability on NASS
HRD32 - Primary physical and sensory disabilities of adults registered on NASSHealthPrimary physical and sensory disabilities of adults registered on NASS
HRD31 - Age breakdown of adults with a primary physical or sensory disability registered on NASSHealthAge breakdown of adults with a primary physical or sensory disability registered on NASS
HRD30 - Adults with a primary physical or sensory disability on NASS by CHO area of serviceHealthAdults with a primary physical or sensory disability on NASS by CHO area of service
Number of adults with an intellectual disability (ID) on NASS
HRD25 - Number of adults in disability services in Community Health Organisations (CHO's) 1 to 9 ...HealthNumber of adults in disability services in Community Health Organisations (CHO's) 1 to 9 on NASS
Specialist supports identified as required by adults on NASS
HRD22 - Supports for daily living services identified as required by adults on NASSHealthSupports for daily living services identified as required by adults on NASS
HealthOvernight respite services identified as required by adults on NASS
Day respite services identified as required by adults on NASS
Residential services identified as required by adults on NASS
Current adult specialist supports recorded on NASS
Age group of primary carer to adults on NASS
Relationship of the primary carer to adults on NASS
Adults on NASS living with their primary carer
HRD09 - Primary carer information for adults on NASS not living in a residential settingHealthPrimary carer information for adults on NASS not living in a residential setting
Living arrangements of adults on NASS
Occupational status of adults on NASS
Percentage of adults getting respite in CHO of residence
HRD05 - Comparison of CHO of residence and CHO of main respite service for adults, NASSHealthComparison of CHO of residence and CHO of main respite service for adults, NASS