PIAAC19 - Literacy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in IrelandEducation and SportLiteracy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in Ireland
PIAAC18 - Literacy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in IrelandEducation and SportLiteracy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in Ireland
PIAAC17 - Literacy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in IrelandEducation and SportLiteracy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in Ireland
PIAAC16 - Literacy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in IrelandEducation and SportLiteracy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in Ireland
PIAAC15 - Literacy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in IrelandEducation and SportLiteracy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in Ireland
PIAAC12 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsEducation and SportLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC11 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsEducation and SportLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC10 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsEducation and SportLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC09 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsEducation and SportLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC08 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsEducation and SportLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC07 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsEducation and SportLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC06 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsEducation and SportLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC05 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsEducation and SportLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC04 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsEducation and SportLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC03 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsEducation and SportLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
Education and SportPercentage of adults who performed at each proficiency level
PIAAC01 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving Skills mean scoreEducation and SportLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving Skills mean score
2024 - Derogation Applications received & issued under Regulation 54 & 54A of Habitats Directive.HIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageHousingThis data set contains a list of derogation applications received and/or issued under Regulation 54 and 54A of the European Habitats Directive. The EC (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011-2021 provide strict protection for all of the Irish species (both animal and...
2023 - Derogation applications received & issued under Regulation 54 of the Habitats DirectiveHIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageHousingThis data set contains a list of derogation applications received and/or issued under Regulation 54 of the European Habitats Directive. The EC (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011-2021 provide strict protection for all of the Irish species (both animal and plant)...
Goods Vehicles by Unladen Weight