TABLE 4.11: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Age of Mother by Infant’s Type of Feeding, Numbers ...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE births for 2014 by Age of Mother and Infant’s Type of Feeding. This table outlines data for total live births, excluding early neonatal deaths. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2014 is a report on national data on...
Figure 4.4 Percentage of population covered by private health insurance in Ireland, 2011, 2013 an...HealthPublished as part of Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2016 (Department of Health)
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TABLE 3.7: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Maternal Parity: Total Births, Live Births, Mortalit...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE births for 2014 by Maternal Parity. Maternal parity refers to a mothers total number of previous live births and stillbirths. This table outlines data for total births, live births, stillbirths, early neonatal deaths...
TABLE 3.5: HIPE Report: TABLE 3.5 Total Discharges: Mean Number of All-Listed Procedures by Pati...HealthOutlines the mean number of procedures reported for day patients, in-patients, and total discharges, by sex and age group. Activity in Acute Public Hospitals in Ireland Annual Report, 2015, is a report on in-patient and day patient discharges from acute public hospitals...
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TABLE 3.8: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Previous Stillbirths: Total Births, Live Births, Mor...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE births for 2015 by Number of Previous Stillbirths. This table only includes women having second and subsequent births. Primiparous wome (i.e. women who have had no previous pregnancy resulting in a live birth or...
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TABLE 4.16: HIPE Report: TABLE 4.16 Total Discharges: MDC 14 Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerp...HealthMDC 14 Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium: AR-DRG by Patient Type (day patient and in-patient).The MDC is a category generally based on a single body system or aetiology that is associated with a particular medical specialty. DRGs are clusters of cases with similar...
TABLE 3.10: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Birthweight (grams): Total Births, Live Births, Mor...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE births for 2014 by Birthweight (grams). This table outlines data for total births, live births, stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and perinatal mortality rates, as well as presenting the number of maternities. The...
TABLE 2.3: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Live Births, Stillbirths, Early Neonatal Deaths and ...HealthPresents data on the numbers and rates of stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and perinatal deaths for singleton and multiple births between 2006 and 2015. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2015 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2015. Information on every birth...
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TABLE 3.11: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Gestational Age (weeks) at Delivery: Total Births, ...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE births for 2014 by Gestational Age (weeks) at Delivery. This table outlines data for total births, live births, stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and perinatal mortality rates, as well as presenting the number of...
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TABLE 4.4: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Mothers Antenatal Length of Stay: Total Births, Live...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE births for 2014 by Mothers Antenatal Length of Stay. This table outlines data for total births, live births, stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and perinatal mortality rates, as well as presenting the number of...
TABLE 2.2: HIPE Report: TABLE 2.2 Total Discharges : Patient Type by Marital/Civil Status (N, %,...HealthDisaggregates total discharges by patient type (day patient and in-patient) and marital/civil status. For the length of stay analysis, in-patient discharges are disaggregated into sameday and overnight in-patient discharges. Activity in Acute Public Hospitals in Ireland Annual...