Education and SportApprenticeship Outcomes
Education and SportApprenticeship Outcomes
Education and SportNumber of Qualified Apprentices
Education and SportGraduates progressing to Higher Education
Education and SportGraduates Progressing to Higher Education
Education and SportGraduates Progressing to Higher Education
Education and SportGraduation continuing in Further Education
Education and SportGraduates continuing in Further Education
Education and SportGraduation Outcomes
Education and SportGraduation Outcomes
Education and SportGraduation Outcomes
Education and SportNumber of Graduates
Education and SportOther Languages known of persons aged 25-64
Education and SportOther Languages known of persons aged 25-64
Education and SportOther Languages known of persons aged 25-64
Education and SportOther Languages known of persons aged 25-64
Education and SportOther Languages known of persons aged 25-64
AES39 - Persons aged 25-64 who wanted to participate more in further educationEducation and SportPersons aged 25-64 who wanted to participate more in further education
AES38 - Persons aged 25-64 who wanted to participate more in further educationEducation and SportPersons aged 25-64 who wanted to participate more in further education
AES37 - Persons aged 25-64 who wanted to participate more in further educationEducation and SportPersons aged 25-64 who wanted to participate more in further education