An acoustic survey targeting blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) spawning and post spawning aggregations in the north east Atlantic in 2005. Spawning takes place from January through to April along the shelf edge from the southern Porcupine Bank area northwards to the...
National University of Ireland sponsored cruise of the Porcupine Bank with a multi-disciplinary objective.
EnvironmentIreland's territorial seabed reaches more than 600 miles out into the Atlantic Ocean to waters of more than 4,500 metres in depth. The objective of the Seabed Survey is to collect detailed bathymetry (water depth) data and gain knowledge of the nature of the seabed and its...
Annual Marine Institute fisheries section Blue Whiting survey in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Northwest Herring Acoustic Survey Blue Whiting Gear Trials. The aim of the cruise was to test the gear and report any problems encountered with fish handling/wet lab.
EnvironmentAs part of a large HEA funded PTRLI cycle 3 marine program currently underway at NUI, Galway ,a Multi-disciplinary survey of the deep waters west and north of Porcupine Bank was carried out, involving hydrographic measurements (including mooring and float deployment), deep...
EnvironmentComplete dataset of selected Underway observations and measurements include sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity, raw fluorometer voltage, air temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, vessel sounding and vessel navigation...
EnvironmentThis survey took place on board the RV Celtic Explorer in February 2017 led by the Marine Institute. The south Rockall Trough cruise facilitates long-term monitoring of the deep water environment to the west of Ireland. Oceanographic data collected contributes to the Atlantic...
Water quality and meteorological data from the Lough Feeagh Automatic Water Quality Monitoring St...EnvironmentLough Feeagh is a deep humic (brown coloured) lake, typical of many lakes in the west of Ireland. This dataset consists of data from the AWQMS (automatic water quality monitoring station) situated in Lough Feeagh, which is run as part of the Marine Institute’s BurrishooleLTER...
EnvironmentThe European Commission Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) required Member States to implement a range of measures including the monitoring of habitats for the protection of species listed in the Annexes of the Directive. One such habitat type listed in Annex l of this directive...
EnvironmentSeismic geological survey in the North Atlantic Ocean.
EnvironmentIn order to begin to collect key oceanographic data two dedicated research cruises are conducted annually in the Irish region. The foundation of these cruises is the acquisition of oceanographic data such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence and ocean...
EnvironmentThis survey took place on board the R.V. Celtic Explorer in 2009 in Galway Bay using the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Latis.
Benthic Sampling - Conducting sampling stations, using plankton and bongo nets, for phytoplankton, zooplankton and krill which form the basis of the food chain which supports cetaceans, seabirds and other marine megafauna in these habitats. Condcuting CTD stations to measure...
Biodiscovery and deep-ocean ecosystems survey including CTD, Boxcore, Megacore and 12 hour ROV operations.
EnvironmentThis ten day survey took place in January 2012 on board the RV Celtic Explorer, led by the Marine Institute. This cruise was designed to contribute Ireland's data to the ICES working group on oceanic hydrography (WGOH). WGOH produce the ICES Report on Ocean Climate (IROC)...
EnvironmentAnnual Marine Institute oceanographic survey in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Blue Whiting Acoustic Survey into the abundance and distribution of Blue Whiting in the North Atlantic Ocean.
An acoustic survey targeting blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) spawning and post spawning aggregations in the north east Atlantic in 2009. Spawning takes place from January through to April along the shelf edge from the southern Porcupine Bank area northwards to the...
NMCI Student Training Cruise off the south coast of Ireland.