EnvironmentThe Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage publishes annual RAPTOR (Recording and Addressing Persecution and Threats to Our Raptors) reports on threats to birds of prey. This csv dataset for download here represents the tabular data that is core to those reports....
EnvironmentPhytoplankton are the autotrophic (self-feeding) components of the plankton community and a key part of oceans, seas and freshwater basin ecosystems. The name comes from the Greek words phyton, meaning plant and planktos, meaning wanderer or drifter. Most phytoplankton are too...
EnvironmentThis dataset shows points of interest around Ballycroy National Park, which have been included in an online mapping application - Ballycroy Story Map Tour. CSV file contains points of interest in Ballycroy National Park, along with descriptions and coordinates (Irish...
Wicklow Mountains National Park Story Map DataEnvironmentThis dataset shows points of interest around Wicklow Mountains National Park, which have been included in an online mapping application - Wicklow Mountains Story Map Tour. CSV file contains points of interest in Wicklow Mountains National Park, along with descriptions and...