Projected Population from 2006
Projected Annual Births and Deaths
Actual and Projected Labour Force from 2016
Projected Population from 2016 ( M1, M2, M3)
Projected Dependency Ratios from 2016
Projected Population of school going age from 2016
PEC13 - Average Annual Births, Deaths, Natural Increase and Estimated Net Migration from 2016 to ...GovernmentAverage Annual Births, Deaths, Natural Increase and Estimated Net Migration from 2016 to 2051
Actual and Projected Population from 2006
PEB02 - Actual and Projected Population and Average Annual Increase, 2011 - 2031GovernmentActual and Projected Population and Average Annual Increase, 2011 - 2031
Actual and Projected Population
Projected Population 2016 Based
Projected Population 2006 Based
Projected Population 2002 Based
Projected Dependency Ratios
PEB08 - Projected Annual Births, Deaths, Internal Migration and International MigrationGovernmentProjected Annual Births, Deaths, Internal Migration and International Migration
Projected Population