This Backscatter map shows how hard or soft the seabed is in Irish waters. The seabed in Ireland’s inshore area is between 0 and 200 metres deep. The data was collected from 2001 to 2022. The seabed in Ireland’s offshore area is between 200 and 5000 metres deep. The data was...
EnvironmentData indicates the location for pot fishing activity in Irish waters. Attributes when known include year, area, gear type, species, season, days per year (Days_Year), number of vessels (Vessels), vessel size (LOA_Max), gear units, classification, Area of polygon (Area_M2), and...
EnvironmentIrish Groundfish Survey shot and haul stations. The Irish Groundfish Survey covers fisheries trawl stations in the North Atlantic Ocean, Celtic Sea, Irish Sea and Saint Georges Channel around Ireland. The Irish Groundfish Survey has been a two-legged survey taking place each...
Environment65 stations including CTD, Ringnet (500um), Zooplankton net (200&50um), Phytoplankton net, Trawl and XBT taken on board two RV Celtic Explorer cruise CE14006 in April 2014 during the Transatlantic Added Value Survey. A large instrument package called a CTD is the standard...
In oceanography, a front is a boundary between two distinct water masses. The water masses are defined by moving in different directions, i.e. on one side of the front the water is generally moving in one way, and on the other side of the front, the water is moving in another....
Data on the offshore volcanic geologic ridges near Ireland in the West European Basin. A ridge is a geological feature consisting of a chain of mountains or hills that form a continuous elevated crest for some distance. Ridges are usually termed hills or mountains as well,...
Annual statistics on sea fisheries landings at Irish ports. Statistics include breakdown by species class (e.g. deepwater, demersal, pelagic, shellfish), species description (e.g. Atlantic Mackerel) and top 20 ports by value (e.g. Killybegs, Castletownbere). Statistics...
Offshore volcanic geologic faults in the North Atlantic Ocean.
EnvironmentWaverider buoys have collected observations and measurements on wave characteristics including wave height and period statistics. Waverider buoys are located in the Galway Bay 1/4 Scale Test Site and the Full Scale Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site (AMETS) located off the Erris...
Environment147 stations including CTD, Zooplankton Net, XBT, Multinet, Argo Float, ADCP and Trawl taken on board RV Celtic Explorer cruise in April-May 2015 during the Biodiscovery and deep ocean ecosystems survey. A large instrument package called a CTD is the standard workhorse of...
Catch numbers data collected from a bottom trawl survey series: Trawl positions, duration and gear parameters; catch statistics of the target species; length frequency distributions; age, sex and maturity. The target species are: cod, haddock, whiting, saithe, hake, black and...
Seascape effects of wind turbines up to 5km from shoreline are downloadable as GIS shapefiles. SEAI commissioned a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), completed in 2010, to inform policy-making in the Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan (OREDP). One set of SEA...
This dataset represents an initial comparison between several years of hourly wave forecasts (using WAM) on a grid of points located off the Irish coast with corresponding records from a number of buoys installed pre 2005. Based on the level of agreement found the wave...
The Accessible Wave Energy Resource Atlas published in 2005 describes an initial comparison between several years of hourly wave forecasts (using WAM) on a grid of points located off the Irish coast with corresponding records from a number of buoys installed in recent years....
EnvironmentRock outcrops west of Killary Harbour traced from Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) shaded relief imagery.
Upper water mass movement of ocean currents from the Irish Offshore Strategic Environmental Assessment (IOSEA 5). Large masses of moving water are called currents. In the oceans there are major surface currents, subsurface currents, and tidal currents. This data represents an...
SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore) is a third-generation wave model which was primarily developed for use in coastal regions. The operational East_Atlantic model used to generate this dataset was an implementation of the SWAN model for Irish waters. The East Atlantic SWAN Wave...
EnergyDepartment of Communications, Climate Action & Environment commissioned Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment measurement of the tidal resource potential up to 10-15 km from the shoreline.
The cruise track inventory shows the locations of surveys completed by the RV Lough Beltra research vessel. The geographic coverage of the Lough Beltra is mainly in inshore areas around Ireland including the Irish Sea, Saint George's Channel, Celtic Sea and North Atlantic...
This dataset contains a GIS vector polygons of 44 3D seismic survey areas underaken in seas around Ireland. Data includes contractor, line, survey Id, company, vessel, survey area name, project code and prefix details. The data has been collected in seas around Ireland...