Abstract: This data shows Arterial Drainage Scheme (ADS) Channels constructed under the Arterial Drainage Acts 1945 & 1995, that OPW has a statutory obligation to maintain. These channels are either modified watercourses or constructed channels/drains to enhance the...
Quarterly data on recipients of selected social protection schemes.
Quarterly data on recipients of selected social protection schemes by nationality.
Quarterly data on recipients of selected social protection schemes by sex.
Quarterly data on recipients of selected social protection schemes by county.
SocietySICAP is funded by the Irish Government through the Department of Rural and Community Development and co-funded by the European Union. This data is published by Pobal on behalf of the Department of Rural and Community Development. These datasets provide 2019 profile and output...
The 2016 Pobal HP Deprivation Index is the latest in a serious of deprivation indices developed by Trutz Haase and Jonathan Pratschke and funded by Pobal. Based on the 2016 Census of Population, the 2016 Pobal HP Deprivation Index shows the level of overall affluence and...
This dataset has no description
This file contains variables from the Population Theme that was produced by AIRO using data from the census unit at the CSO and the Northern Ireland Research and Statistics Agency (NISRA). This data was developed under the Evidence Based Planning theme of the Ireland Northern...
This file contains original variables from Theme 11 Commuting from Census 2011 and a series of additional variables produced by AIRO such as percentage rates, ratios etc. The file includes data on Means of Travel, Time and Distance to Work, School or College for the 18,488...
This file contains original variables from Theme 6-1 Housing by from Census 2006 & 2011 and a series of additional variables produced by AIRO such as percentage rates, ratios etc. The file includes data on Type of Accommodation, Year Built, Number of Rooms, Water Supply,...
This file contains variables published by AIRO on the number of Jobseekers Benefits Claimants within the Southside Partnership Area. Data is available for selected months between 2008 and 2012 for 202 Electoral Divisions and Electoral Areas within the Partnership Area.
This file contains variables from the Housing Theme - Tenure that was produced by AIRO using data from the census unit at the CSO and the Northern Ireland Research and Statistics Agency (NISRA). This data was developed under the Evidence Based Planning theme of the Ireland...
This file contains original variables from Theme 12 Disability and Carers from Census 2006 & 2011 and a series of additional variables produced by AIRO such as percentage rates, ratios etc. The file includes data on Persons with a Disability, Carers by Hours Worked, and...
This file contains original variables from Theme 9 Social Class from Census 2006 & 2011 and a series of additional variables produced by AIRO such as percentage rates, ratios etc. The file includes data on Social Class, Socio-Economic Group of Persons and Persons in...
This file contains original variables from Theme 3 Irish Language from Census 2006 & 2011 and a series of additional variables produced by AIRO such as percentage rates, ratios etc. The file includes data on Ability and Frequency of Irish Spoken for the 3,406 Electoral...
This file contains variables published by AIRO on the number of Jobseekers within the Southside Partnership Area. Data is available for selected months between 2008 and 2012 for 202 Electoral Divisions and Electoral Areas within the Partnership Area. Data within this file...
The All-Island Accessibility Mapping Tool provides an analysis of access to settlements and key service infrastructure such as transport, education and health facilities across Ireland. Accessibility score are available for Towns, Health Facilities, Education Services, Retail...
This file contains original variables from the CSO regarding Males under 25 who are signing on the Live Register in 124 Social Welfare Offices in the Republic of Ireland. Data is available on a monthly basis from February 2008 to June 2014.
This file contains original variables from Theme 10 Education from Census 2006 & 2011 and a series of additional variables produced by AIRO such as percentage rates, ratios etc. The file includes data on Age of Education Ceased, Field of Study and Highest Level of...