EnvironmentParking Meters Galway City
EnvironmentGalway City Accessible Parking Bays
Galway City Community Centre Locations
EnvironmentRecord of Protected Structures in Galway City
EnvironmentThird Level Colleges in Galway City
EnvironmentPlanners' areas in Galway City i.e. the administrative area for which the Planner is responsible for Development Control.
EnvironmentPlaygrounds in Galway City
This geospatial datasets highlights the areas of Architectural Conservation in Galway City.
Galway City Polling Districts
Enterprise Parks and Industrial Estates in Galway City
EnvironmentGalway City Council Libraries
EnvironmentElectoral Divisions of Galway City
EnvironmentGalway County Council Administrative Buildings
EnvironmentCounty Galway Graveyard Burial Data as surveyed and recorded by various heritage and community groups and organizations as part of the 'Digitizing Galway's Graveyard Heritage' project.
EnvironmentPart V of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (Part V) provides for social and affordable housing obligations for developers. Part V obligations arise where an application is made for planning permission for a development of nine or more housing units or where the...
County Galway Beach Lifeguard Service Locations.Created: 2015Galway County Council administers Lifeguard Services on behalf of both Galway County and City Councils and the service is funded by both Councils. Each year a panel of highly qualified Lifeguards is put in place. A...
Piers and Harbours of Galway County.Galway County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, or complete. Galway County Council accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by those using this data for...
EnvironmentYacht Mooring Locations available on the Coast of Galway, Ireland. Links are provided to bathymmetry maps of the locations.Galway County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, or complete. Galway County...
Ballinasloe Local Area Plan Zonings 2022 - 2028.Galway County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, or complete. Galway County Council accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by those using this...
Ballinasloe LAP Strategic Flood Risk Assessment - 2022 2028 Zone A: Where the probability of flooding from rivers and the sea is highest (greater than 1% or 1 in 100 for river flooding or 0.5% or 1 in 200 for coastal flooding)Zone B: Where the probability of flooding from...