7 Results

None: rainfall

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    Met Éireann have a series of climate stations located strategically across the country providing esential raw data on our climate. Here you can find the last 24 hours of raw climate observational data from each station. Files with Pluv in the filename are rain gauge data...
    Abstract: The Hydrology Reference Network is a group of OPW hydrometric gauging stations that have been specially selected to provide a nationwide snapshot of the status of flood or drought events. These gauges were selected on the basis that they provide good quality...
    This dataset measures the amount of rainfall (mm) in five minute intervals at nine rain gauge stations in the Greater Dublin Area. This dataset measures the amount of rainfall (mm) that falls weekly in five minute intervals at nine rain gauge stations in the Greater Dublin...
    Daily rainfall totals are expressed in millimetres (mm) and are collated by year from 1941 to 2022. The daily rainfall total is presented without a decimal point. For example, a value of 123 is equivalent to a daily rainfall total of 12.3 mm. The number of stations available...
  • Landslide locations and extents help us locate where landslides have occurred. Ireland's location, terrain and climate result in landslides occurring mainly in areas with steep slopes where rock meets the surface and peat covers the terrain. Landslides have the potential to...
    This dataset contains monthly elements averaged over a 30 year period for some of our synoptic stations. Values for each month include: temperature variables, relative humidity at 09:00 UTC and 15:00 UTC, sunshine in hours, rainfall variables, wind variables and the mean...
    This data is available in hdf format by contacting opendata@met.ie to make a request for access to our FTP server which will contain the most recent two days of radar data. The server is ftp://ftp.met.ie/openradar Login credinetials will be supplied via sharefile on request.
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