TransportLocation of gritting routes in Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown. Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is responsible for 16km of National Primary and Secondary Roads, 106km of Regional Roads and 561km of Local Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Roads. Motorway (M1 and M50) gritting is...
Applications received from Schools for Access to Additional Needs 2012/2013 to 2022/2023Education and SportA summary of the applications received from schools for access to additional needs between the school years 2012/2013 and 2022/2023
Howth Baldoyle Cycle Lanes Mapped within Fingal County Council
This Data set contains a map showing all Bike/Stands/Racks/Maintenance Stands within Fingal County Council as more have been added with funding released for sustainable transport in pre 2021 installations with data from 2021 to 2024 inclusive Some also issued to...
This dataset contains details on all roads within Westmeath County Council. The dataset was derived from Ordnance Survey Road centre-line data, along with road classification lists and Westmeath County Council Roads in Charge records. This dataset is 90% complete.
A legal document containing the current Road Speed limit and distance from intersection.
The Bridges datasets maps and asseses the bridges on non national roads. The survey was carried out in 1999 and the bridge location is recorded as an Easting and Northing.
The Road Schedule lists all roads that are in public use. It is a line datasetwhich is normally the centre line of the road. Other attribute data is also stored such as the average width, surface type.
This dataset records the locations of scenic views designated under the Longford County Development Plan 2009-2015. These are digitsed along road vectors and are numbered and classified as full and intermittent, in accordance with the corresponding designation in the document...
The Road Schedule is a dataset for the Road network in Dun Laoghaire Rathdown. This dataset outlines the length, width, road number, road class, start, via and end descriptions of each road. The road network is based on the Ordnance Survey of Ireland road centrelines. This is...
These are regional roads which have been selected by the Council as strategic routes based on the volume of traffic that they carry on a daily basis. These roads are identified in the Clare County Development Plan 2017 - 2023
TransportThis dataset is a record of bridge locations in the Dublin City Council administrative area . Originally digitized by Road Maintenance department in 2010 based on 1:1000 scale vector mapping. The dataset is considered 98% complete.
The Bridge dataset identifies the location of bridges on public roads in charge of Waterford City Council. It includes the road number, bridge number and function of the bridge.
This dataset represents the speed limits on the road going into and out of each town and village in County Westmeath.
TransportThe roads schedule lists all roads in charge of Offaly County Council, giving details of the road numbers, street names and lengths. The spatial data is normally the centre line of the road.
The Current Road Schedule contains information on the public roads network of County Longford. i.e. Road Details; road numbers, road class, engineering area, road type, functional class and old numbers. Road Measurements; lengths, widths and pavements widths. Start at and End...
TransportThis dataset contains details on all roads within County Meath. The dataset was derived from Ordnance Survey Road centre-line data, along with road classifications lists and Meath County Council Roads "Taken in Charge" records. This dataset is considered 80% complete.
Laois County Council Speed Limits consists of the speed limits as adopted by Laois County Council created under powers conferred by Section 9 of the Road Traffic Act 2004.
The Current Road Bridge locations and contains the name, condition, road number, height and function.
The roads schedule lists all roads in charge of Waterford City Council, giving details of the road numbers, street names and lengths. The spatial data is normally the centre line of the road.