Baronies - National Statutory Boundaries - Ungeneralised - 2024

Category: Government
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Baronies were originally feudal jurisdictions dating from the 11th century, which in the course of time came to be used for administrative purposes. The re-organisation of local government in the late 19th century signalled the end of the barony as a meaningful territorial division although it is still used in property registration. They can be subdivided into townlands and civil parishes and in turn they are subdivisions of counties. The 6” survey of Ireland carried out under the 1825 Boundary Survey Act documented and formalised the boundaries of baronies in Ireland. Baronies are statute boundaries under the 19th century Boundary Survey Acts and can only be altered by statutory instrument. This dataset is a digital representation of the statutory boundary as shown on the relevant historic mapping and includes alterations brought about by statutory instruments.There are 280 Baronies in the Republic of Ireland. This dataset is provided by Tailte Éireann

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