Dublinbikes DCC

Published by: Dublin City Council
Category: Transport
Views: 6652
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Dublin Bikes is a docked bike-share scheme in Dublin City. This page includes an API developed according to the General Bikeshare Feed Specification (GBFS) (e.g.) information about vehicles, stations, pricing, etc. The current location of the vehicles is updated every minute. In addition, this page includes historical files of bike location data.

Disclaimer - Please note that some of the historical files are empty due to historical data issues.

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Resource: Dublinbikes API - JCDecaux

URL: https://developer.jcdecaux.com/#/opendata/vls?page=getstarted

This API provides real time information on the Dublin bikes. Dublin Bikes real time and static data Two kinds of data are delivered by the platform: Static data provides stable information like station position, number of bike stands, payment terminal availability, etc. Dynamic data provides station state, number of available bikes, number of free bike stands, etc. Static data can be downloaded manually in CSV file format or accessed through the API. Dynamic data are refreshed every minute and can be accessed only through the API. You are required to register with JCDecaux to access this API, they will provide an API key. See instructions on https://developer.jcdecaux.com/#/opendata/vls?page=getstarted Once you have a key, you can then use it to access the data, contract_name = "dublin". Data is returned in JSON format.

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Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 26 May 2020
Metadata last updated 28 January 2025
Created 26 May 2020
Format API
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Package id33ec9fe2-4957-4e9a-ab55-c5e917c7a9ab
High Value Dataset (HVD) Resource
Applicable Legislation
    API response formats
      API type
      API access url