National trends in bovine data 2011-2021

Category: Agriculture
Views: 322
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The Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine (DAFM) maintains cattle traceability on a central database called the Animal Identification and Movement (AIM) database. The AIM system records all births, movements and disposals in accordance with EU requirements and therefore traces all bovines from birth to slaughter.
DAFM produces an annual AIM Bovine Statistics Report containing comprehensive data on the national bovine herd.

This table contains data taken from the AIM stats report from 2011-2021 on: calf births categorised as beef and dairy. They are classified as such depending on whether the sire breed type is a Beef or Dairy Breed. Calf births broken down by the breed of the sire. It contains data on the top 6 breeds only as these account for approx 90% of all births. Slaughter in DAFM slaughter plants of male beef animals. Age at slaughter in DAFM slaughter plants of female beef animals. Whether bovine animals were slaughtered at DAFM slaughter plants or local authority abattoirs, how many were on farm deaths, how many still born deaths and how many bovines were exported. Categorising bovine herds into those with less than 25 animals, 25-49, 50-74, 75-99, 100-149 and 150+

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Resource: AIM Bovine trends 2011-2021


Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Year numeric
DAFM Slaughter plants numeric
Disposal in LA Abattoirs numeric
Exports numeric
Farm to Farm numeric
Marts numeric
Calves Born by Sire Fresian numeric
Calves Born by Sire Limousin numeric
Calves Born by Sire Aberdeen Angus numeric
Calves Born by Sire Charolais numeric
Calves Born by Sire Hereford numeric
Calves Born by Sire Belgian Blue numeric
Beef breeds male 18-24 months numeric
Beef breeds male 24-30 numeric
beef breeds male 30 months + numeric
Beef breeds female 18-24 months numeric
Beef breeds female 24-30 numeric
beef breeds female 30 months + numeric
Age >25 numeric
Age 25-49 numeric
Age 50-74 numeric
Age 75-99 numeric
Age 100+ numeric
Born to a beef bull numeric
Born to a dairy Bull numeric

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 29 July 2022
Metadata last updated 6 March 2024
Created 29 July 2022
Format XLSX
License cc-by
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id8081c391-1134-4033-a14f-03e7bd991c8f
High Value Dataset (HVD) Resource
Applicable Legislation
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