Pay and Display Meter Locations FCC

Category: Transport
Views: 4
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This data set contains mapping and table of the location of all Pay and Display Meters in Fingal County Councils pay and display system around the county of Fingal. We Currently have 146 Meters in use .e have Pay and Display in the following areas: Malahide, Skerries, Balbriggan, Swords, Rush and Clonsilla.Pay & Display operates from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm Monday to Saturday inclusive. However, this can vary for particular areas, check the signage at your location.Charges can vary for different areas for both on-street and car parks. However, the charge is usually €1.20 per hour or €3 per day in the long-term parking areas.Traffic Wardens ticket illegally parked vehicles in a Pay and Display area. It is your responsibility to ensure that a valid parking ticket/permit/disc is displayed and clearly visible on your vehicle.

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Format ArcGIS GeoServices REST API
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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