The number of herds, herds with reactors, herds with 2 or more clears tests, net restricted herds, herds with more than 2 reactors, herds depopulated, herds with new restrictions, R+ animals, animals removed as reactors, in contacts removed, the number of blood samples taken,...
Merged and anonymised LPIS and N&P for 2019 The following attributes are available: 1) LPIS Data HOLDING_ID, LNU_PARCEL_ID, DIGITISED_AREA, MEA, CLAIMED_AREA, CROP_DESC, COMMONAGE_INDICATOR, COMMONAGE_FRACTION, SUB_DIVISION ID, GLAS Farm Status; ANC Indicator, GLAS...
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine National Project Funding AwardsAgricultureThe Department of Agriculture, Food & the marine (DAFM) operates 'public good' competitive research funding programmes for agriculture (RSF), food (FIRM) and forestry (CoFoRD) to support innovation and economic success across the bioeconomy. Research topics are informed by...
AgricultureNitrates derogation provides farmers an opportunity to farm at higher stocking rates when they take extra steps to protect the environment. The Nitrates Derogation allows farmers to exceed the limit of 170kg of livestock manure nitrogen per hectare set down in the Nitrates...
Cattle Births by Month, County and Type of Cattle for 2016AgricultureThe dataset comprises the number of cattle born from 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2016 organised by the cattle breed type, month of the year and county. Only live births were included, stillbirths were excluded from the dataset. Cattle breed types are categorised as either Beef or...
The development of this viewer was supported by the Irish Government and the European Maritime & Fisheries Fund as part of the EMFF Operational Programme for 2014-2020 under the Marine Data Analysis and Visualisation Framework project of the Blue Growth & Marine...
Merged and anonymised LPIS and N&P for 2018 The following attributes are available: 1) LPIS Data HOLDING_ID, LNU_PARCEL_ID, DIGITISED_AREA, MEA, CLAIMED_AREA, CROP_DESC, COMMONAGE_INDICATOR, COMMONAGE_FRACTION, SUB_DIVISION ID, GLAS Farm Status; ANC Indicator, GLAS...
Beef kill figures from 2011 to 2022 showing the number of cattle slaughtered at DAFM approved factories. They are shown by Young Bulls, Old Bull, Steer, Heifer, Cow and Veal (V) and Veal (Z)
Merged and anonymised LPIS and N&P for 2020 The following attributes are available: 1) LPIS Data HOLDING_ID, LNU_PARCEL_ID, DIGITISED_AREA, MEA, CLAIMED_AREA, CROP_DESC, COMMONAGE_INDICATOR, COMMONAGE_FRACTION, SUB_DIVISION ID, GLAS Farm Status; ANC Indicator, GLAS...
Avian influenza or "Bird Flu" is a contagious and often fatal viral disease of birds. Wild birds, particularly wild migratory water birds are considered to be the main reservoir of avian influenza viruses. There is a constant risk of avian influenza being introduced into...
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) provide data for the private forest estate only. These data include new forests planted up to the end of 2021. Within the dataset provided is a file showing the attribute information such as: Species List, Land use...
This dataset contains the results of the annual sheep census by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) for 2020. The data records the number of sheep kept in Ireland on 31st December 2020 and is based on data submitted to the Department by 15th April 2021.
GovernmentBovine Tuberculosis
Money paid out from September 2021 - December 2021, broken down by scheme and by County.
The National beef kill figures are provided to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine by approved processing plants on a weekly basis. They can be queried via API or downloaded as a CSV, JSON or excel sheet.
DAFM 2020 Average Beef and Dairy Herds per Electoral DivisionAgricultureDepartment of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) average number of beef and dairy cattle assigned to an Electoral Division (ED) for the year 2020 alongside an age profile of the national herd. Note: there were instances where an ED contained only a single herd and for...
Merged and anonymised LPIS and N&P for 2017 The following attributes are available: 1) LPIS Data HOLDING_ID, LNU_PARCEL_ID, DIGITISED_AREA, MEA, CLAIMED_AREA, CROP_DESC, COMMONAGE_INDICATOR, COMMONAGE_FRACTION, SUB_DIVISION ID, GLAS Farm Status; ANC Indicator, GLAS...
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine National Sheep Census 2016AgricultureThis dataset contains the results of the annual sheep census by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) for 2016. The data records the number of sheep kept in Ireland on 31st December 2016 and is based on data submitted to the Department by the 27th April 2017.
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) provide data for the private forest estate only. These data include new forests planted up to the end of 2020. Within the dataset provided is a file showing the attribute information such as: Species List, Land use...
The Afforestation Scheme provides financial support to encourage the planting of trees on land not previously under forest. Increasing the country’s forested area helps to tackle climate change, increases biodiversity and provides sustainable jobs in the rural economy. This...