TABLE 3.10: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Birthweight (grams): Total Births, Live Births, Mor...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE births for 2015 by Birthweight (grams). This table outlines data for total births, live births, stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and perinatal mortality rates, as well as presenting the number of maternities. The...
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Figure 2.2 Percentage of the population reporting good or very good health in EU-28 countries, 2014HealthPublished as part of Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2016 (Department of Health)
TABLE 4.25: HIPE Report: TABLE 4.25 Total Discharges: MDC 23 Factors Influencing Health Status a...HealthMDC 23 Factors Influencing Health Status and Other Contacts with Health Services: AR-DRG by Patient Type (day patient and in-patient).The MDC is a category generally based on a single body system or aetiology that is associated with a particular medical specialty. DRGs are...
TABLE 3.12: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Month of Birth: Total Births, Live Births, Mortalit...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE births for 2015 by Month of Birth. This table outlines data for total births, live births, stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and perinatal mortality rates, as well as presenting the number of maternities. The...
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Appendix I_I1: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Percentage Distribution of Maternities by Method...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL, PRIMIPAROUS AND MULTIPAROUS MATERNITIES from 2006-2015 by Method of Delivery. This table outlines per cent method of delivery by total maternities. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2015 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in...
Appendix G_G5: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Birthweight (grams) for Multiparous Women: Total...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE births for 2014 by Birthweight (grams) for MULTIPAROUS WOMEN. This table outlines data for total births, live births, stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and perinatal mortality rates, as well as presenting the number...
Figure 2.6 Age-standardised death rate for selected external causes, Ireland and EU-28, 3-year mo...HealthPublished as part of Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2016 (Department of Health)
TABLE 4.8: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Size of Maternity Unit (Number of Live Births and St...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL births for 2014 by Size of Maternity Unit. This table outlines data for total births, live births, stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and perinatal mortality rates. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2014 is a report on national data on...
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TABLE 5.23: HIPE Report: Total Discharges: MDC 21 Injuries, Poisonings and Toxic Effects of Drugs...HealthMDC 21 Injuries, Poisonings and Toxic Effects of Drugs: AR-DRG by Patient Type (day patient and in-patient). The MDC is a category generally based on a single body system or aetiology that is associated with a particular medical specialty. DRGs are clusters of cases with...
TABLE 5.1: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Birthweight (grams): Total Perinatal Deaths, Antepar...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL, PRIMIPAROUS AND MULTIPAROUS for 2015 perinatal deaths by Birthweight. This table outlines data for total perinatal deaths, antepartum and intrapartum stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and perinatal mortality rates. The Perinatal Statistics...
Appendix G_G11: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Mothers Nationality by Exclusively Breastfed In...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL live births for 2015 by Mothers Nationality by Exclusively Breastfed Infants. This table outlines the per cent exclusive breastfeeding for live births, excluding early neonatal deaths. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2015 is a report on...
Appendix G_G8: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Gestational Age (weeks) at Delivery, Multiparous...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE births for 2014 by Gestational Age (weeks) at Delivery for MULTIPAROUS WOMEN. This table outlines data for total births, live births, stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and perinatal mortality rates, as well as...
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Figure 2.10 Alcohol and cigarette consumption per annum, per capita aged 15 years and over, 1995 ...HealthPublished as part of Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2016 (Department of Health)
Appendix G_G12: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Birthweight (grams): Total Perinatal Deaths, An...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE perinatal deaths for 2014 by Birthweight. This table outlines data for total perinatal deaths, antepartum and intrapartum stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and perinatal mortality rates. The Perinatal Statistics...