SVS253 - Experience of sexual harassment in the previous 12 months with only one perpetrator invo...JusticeExperience of sexual harassment in the previous 12 months with only one perpetrator involved by sex of perpetrator (% of persons aged 18 years and over who experienced sexual harassment in the previous 12 months where there was only one perpetrator)
HSPAG12 - Carers reporting feeling involved in designing the care and support plan for the person...GovernmentCarers reporting feeling involved in designing the care and support plan for the person they care for - Extent of agreement with the statement
HSPAD42 - Healthcare staff reporting good/excellent work engagement - Extent of agreement/disagre...GovernmentHealthcare staff reporting good/excellent work engagement - Extent of agreement/disagreement with the statement
HSPAD41 - Healthcare staff who have a satisfactory rating annual appraisal - Extent of agreement/...GovernmentHealthcare staff who have a satisfactory rating annual appraisal - Extent of agreement/disagreement with the statement
HSPAD31 - Health carers reporting feeling involved in designing the care and support plan for the...GovernmentHealth carers reporting feeling involved in designing the care and support plan for the person under their care - Extent of agreement/disagreement with the statement
ICA200 - Percentage of individuals who used electronic idenitifcation (eID) to access online serv...GovernmentPercentage of individuals who used electronic idenitifcation (eID) to access online services for private purpose in the last 12 months
ICA198 - Percentage of individuals who used electronic idenitifcation (eID) to access online serv...GovernmentPercentage of individuals who used electronic idenitifcation (eID) to access online services for private purpose in the last 12 months
ICA197 - Percentage of individuals who used electronic idenitifcation (eID) to access online serv...GovernmentPercentage of individuals who used electronic idenitifcation (eID) to access online services for private purpose in the last 12 months
ICA196 - Percentage of individuals who used electronic idenitifcation (eID) to access online serv...GovernmentPercentage of individuals who used electronic idenitifcation (eID) to access online services for private purpose in the last 12 months
ICA156 - Individuals aged 16 years and over who submitted / did not submit completed official for...GovernmentIndividuals aged 16 years and over who submitted / did not submit completed official forms online by their reasons for not doing so
ICA155 - Individuals aged 16 years and over who submitted / did not submit completed official for...GovernmentIndividuals aged 16 years and over who submitted / did not submit completed official forms online by their reasons for not doing so
ICA154 - Individuals aged 16 years and over who submitted / did not submit completed official for...GovernmentIndividuals aged 16 years and over who submitted / did not submit completed official forms online by their reasons for not doing so
ICA153 - Individuals aged 16 years and over who submitted / did not submit completed official for...GovernmentIndividuals aged 16 years and over who submitted / did not submit completed official forms online by their reasons for not doing so
ICA205 - Percentage of individuals who used electronic idenitifcation (eID) to access online serv...GovernmentPercentage of individuals who used electronic idenitifcation (eID) to access online services for private purpose in the last 12 months
ICA204 - Percentage of individuals who used / did not use electronic idenitifcation (eID) to acce...GovernmentPercentage of individuals who used / did not use electronic idenitifcation (eID) to access online services for private purpose in the last 12 months
ICA203 - Percentage of individuals who used / did not use electronic idenitifcation (eID) to acce...GovernmentPercentage of individuals who used / did not use electronic idenitifcation (eID) to access online services for private purpose in the last 12 months
ICA202 - Percentage of individuals who used / did not use electronic idenitifcation (eID) to acce...GovernmentPercentage of individuals who used / did not use electronic idenitifcation (eID) to access online services for private purpose in the last 12 months
ICA201 - Percentage of individuals who used / did not use electronic idenitifcation (eID) to acce...GovernmentPercentage of individuals who used / did not use electronic idenitifcation (eID) to access online services for private purpose in the last 12 months
ICA199 - Percentage of individuals who used electronic idenitifcation (eID) to access online serv...GovernmentPercentage of individuals who used electronic idenitifcation (eID) to access online services for private purpose in the last 12 months
ICA195 - Individuals aged 16 years and over who carried out computer or software related activiti...GovernmentIndividuals aged 16 years and over who carried out computer or software related activities in the last 12 months