ITA02 - Annual nights spent at tourist accommodation establishmentsHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeGovernmentAnnual nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments
ITA01 - Annual nights spent at tourist accommodation establishmentsHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeGovernmentAnnual nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments
GovernmentAnnual Unemployment Rate
GovernmentAnnual Employment Rate
GovernmentAnnual participation in tourism for personal purpose
GovernmentAnnual participation in tourism for personal purpose
Breakdown of Separations of Primary Employments
UA33 - Allocation of DCEDIY accommodation for Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection (BoTPs)GovernmentAllocation of DCEDIY accommodation for Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection (BoTPs)
GovernmentJob Churn
GovernmentJob Churn
EconomyEU Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices
GovernmentRoad Fatalities
HealthStudents in OECD Countries at Level 3 Proficiency in Reading
HealthStudents in OECD Countries at Level 3 Proficiency in Mathematics
Fertiliser Price (Euro per Tonne)
AgricultureAgricultural Input and Output Price Indices (Base 2020=100)
WBB60 - Percentage of individuals whose mental health affected by the COVID-19 pandemicGovernmentPercentage of individuals whose mental health affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
WBB58 - Percentage of individuals whose mental health affected by the COVID-19 pandemicGovernmentPercentage of individuals whose mental health affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
WBB57 - Percentage of individuals whose mental health affected by the COVID-19 pandemicGovernmentPercentage of individuals whose mental health affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
WBB56 - Percentage of individuals whose mental health affected by the COVID-19 pandemicGovernmentPercentage of individuals whose mental health affected by the COVID-19 pandemic