Driving Test Pass Rate
Mainstream Primary Schools
TransportAverage daily flow of Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann passengers
Summary of scheduled bus passenger services
Bus Éireann passenger numbers
Driving Tester Distribution
Driving Test Capacity and Slot Utilisation
Driving Test Capacity and Slot Utilisation
Driving Test Applications
AgricultureAgricultural Input and Output Price Indices (Base 2020=100)
MIP14 - Student Performance based on OECD-PISA Reading, Mathematics and Science Literacy ScalesGovernmentStudent Performance based on OECD-PISA Reading, Mathematics and Science Literacy Scales
GovernmentPercentage of individuals emotional well-being indicators
Percentage of individuals feeling left out
Satisfaction Indicator Mean Score
Satisfaction Indicator Mean Score
Satisfaction Indicator Mean Score
Average Age of Population
Homeless Persons within Family Units
Homeless persons
Homeless Persons Usually Resident in the State