EnvironmentRainfall sensors are currently deployed around the Burrishoole catchment to ensure maximum spatial coverage of rainfall variation. Data measured are mm of rain. Data coverage is for Furnace Newport Co. Mayo. Rainfall data collected since 1996. Rainfall data has been collected...
This file contains original variables from Theme 13 Occupations from Census 2011 and a series of additional variables produced by AIRO such as percentage rates, ratios etc. The file includes data on Persons At Work by Occupation for the 18,488 Small Areas in the Republic of...
Average concentrations in 2007 - 2009 for Phosphate (mg/lP) in samples from monitoring locations on the Irish Environmental Protection Agency Water Framework Directive (WFD) Groundwater Monitoring Network.
EnvironmentWaverider buoys have collected observations and measurements on wave characteristics including wave height and period statistics. Waverider buoys are located in the Galway Bay 1/4 Scale Test Site and the Full Scale Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site (AMETS) located off the Erris...
Environment147 stations including CTD, Zooplankton Net, XBT, Multinet, Argo Float, ADCP and Trawl taken on board RV Celtic Explorer cruise in April-May 2015 during the Biodiscovery and deep ocean ecosystems survey. A large instrument package called a CTD is the standard workhorse of...
These nutrient sensitive areas are those river waters listed in accordance with the Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWWT) Directive 91/271/EEC on Urban Waste Water Treatment and S.I. 254 / 2001, S.I. 440/2004 and S.I. 48/2010. The waterbody containing the sensitive area is used...
EnvironmentKenmare river Infralittoral Habitats classified to EUNIS habitat classification. The EUNIS habitat classification is a comprehensive pan-European system to facilitate the harmonised description and collection of data across Europe through the use of criteria for habitat...
This project contains NPWS GIS files relevant to the distribution of Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) and Nore Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera durrovensis) in Ireland. Both species are listed in Annex II and Annex V of the EU Habitats Directive. The...
EnvironmentIn 2008, following a 2007 pilot study in Roscommon and Offaly, a nationwide research study into the semi-natural grasslands of Ireland commenced. This study involved collecting botanical and environmental data from semi-natural grassland across all 26 counties. A total of...
Catch numbers data collected from a bottom trawl survey series: Trawl positions, duration and gear parameters; catch statistics of the target species; length frequency distributions; age, sex and maturity. The target species are: cod, haddock, whiting, saithe, hake, black and...
Significant pressures have been identified for waterbodies that are At Risk of not meeting their water quality objectives under the Water Framework Directive. While there are a multitude of pressures in every waterbody, the significant pressures are those pressures which need...
Proposed Natural Heritage Areas (pNHA) were published on a non-statutory basis in 1995. They have not since been statutorily proposed or designated. These sites are of significance for wildlife and habitats. A process is underway to resurvey and formally designate some pNHAs...
Seascape effects of wind turbines up to 5km from shoreline are downloadable as GIS shapefiles. SEAI commissioned a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), completed in 2010, to inform policy-making in the Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan (OREDP). One set of SEA...
This file contains original variables from the CSO regarding Males 25 and over who are signing on the Live Register in 124 Social Welfare Offices in the Republic of Ireland. Data is available on a monthly basis from February 2008 to June 2014.
National Ecosystem and Ecosystem Services Map – Marine BiodiversityEnvironmentThis dataset contains a raster file showing the approximate biodiversity stock of marine areas. This dataset is part of a dataset series that establishes an ecosystem service maps (national scale) for a set of services prioritised through stakeholder consultation and any...
Under Article 4 of the Birds Directive (Directive 2009/ 147/EC) six Special Protection Areas (SPAs), covering a total land area of c.1,671km² has been classified for the conservation of the Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus in Ireland. A survey of breeding Hen Harrier reported that...
EnvironmentThe Connemara 3D Model provides data for Galway Bay on the oceanographic parameters: Sea Temperature (degreeCelsius), Salinity (Salinity, PSU), Sea Water X Velocity (m/sec) and Sea Water X Velocity (m/sec). The ROMS model uses the sigma vertical coordinate system which is...
This dataset represents an initial comparison between several years of hourly wave forecasts (using WAM) on a grid of points located off the Irish coast with corresponding records from a number of buoys installed pre 2005. Based on the level of agreement found the wave...
The Accessible Wave Energy Resource Atlas published in 2005 describes an initial comparison between several years of hourly wave forecasts (using WAM) on a grid of points located off the Irish coast with corresponding records from a number of buoys installed in recent years....
This file contains original variables from Theme 5 Households from Census 2006 & 2011 and a series of additional variables produced by AIRO such as percentage rates, ratios etc. The file includes data on Households by Type and Size for the 3,406 Electoral Divisions in the...