Employee Series from Administrative Data Sources
Mean and Median Weekly and Annual Earnings
GovernmentWeekly and Annual Earnings and Proportion of Employments
Proportion of Employments (Weekly Earnings)
Employments and Percentage of Employments
Mean and Median Weekly and Annual Earnings
GovernmentJob Churn
Mean and Median Weekly and Annual Earnings
SocietyAbstract: This layer shows the estimated annual rate of erosion. Lineage: Annual erosion rates were estimated based on a comparison of the natural vegetation line in Ordnance Survey Aerial Photography produced between 1970-2000. The erosion maps have been produced for existing...
SocietyAbstract: This dataset represents the baseline position of the coastline in 2000 in areas considered to be vulnerable to erosion. Lineage: An erosion ‘baseline’ was derived from the visible vegetation line shown on the Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi) year 2000 aerial...
Enrolments, Completions and Certified Completions
GovernmentEnrolments Learners
Certified Completions Learner Activity
Certified Completions Learner Activity
GovernmentCertified Completions Learners
GovernmentCertified Completions Learners
GovernmentCompletions Learners
GovernmentEnrolments Learners
GovernmentLearner Enrolments
GovernmentEnrolments Learners