Homelessness data Official homelessness data is produced by local authorities through the Pathway Accommodation and Support System (PASS). PASS was rolled-out nationally during the course of 2013. The Department’s official homelessness statistics are published on a monthly...
The Council maintains a Derelict Sites Register in accordance with the Derelict Sites Act 1990. The complete Register is available to the public to view at County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin during office opening times. The information entered on the full Register is...
List of Derogation Licences/Applications to End of October 24HousingList of Derogation Licences/Applications to End of October 2024
Social Housing Construction Status Report Q2 2024HousingThe Q2 2024 Construction Status Report shows that 10,465 social homes are currently onsite with an additional 16,614 homes at design and tender stage. In Quarter 2 2024, 212 new construction schemes (2,947 homes) were added to the pipeline.
Homelessness data Official homelessness data is produced by local authorities through the Pathway Accommodation and Support System (PASS). PASS was rolled-out nationally during the course of 2013. The Department’s official homelessness statistics are published on a monthly...
List of Derogation Licences and Applications to End of September 24HousingA list of applications received and licences issued under Regulation 54/Derogations up until the end of September 2024.
Homelessness data Official homelessness data is produced by local authorities through the Pathway Accommodation and Support System (PASS). PASS was rolled-out nationally during the course of 2013. The Department’s official homelessness statistics are published on a monthly...
Waterford City and County Council’s Housing Delivery Action Plan 2022 – 2026HousingWaterford City and County Council’s Housing Delivery Action Plan 2022 – 2026 provides a comprehensive overview of social and affordable housing delivery over the period of the plan.
Deer Hunting Licences Issued by County 2023-2024 and Deer Shot 22/23HIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageHousingDeer Hunting Licences Issued by County 2023-2024 and Deer Shot 22/23
S42 Licences issued (Deer) and Returns for 2023 (Male and Female)HousingS42 Licences issued (Deer) and Returns for 2023 (Male and Female)
Detail of Specific Objective Zoning as per the adopted Development plan of Fingal County Council 2023-2029
Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023. This data set relates to Specific Objective Areas in the Development Plan 2017-2023The Plan sets out the policies and objectives for the development of the County over the Plan period. It contains the following Architectural Conservation...
Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023. This data set relates to Specific Objectives in the Development Plan 2017-2023 The Plan sets out the policies and objectives for the development of the County over the Plan period. It contains the following :- Architectural...
Fingal County Council Development Plan 2017 to 2023 Specific Objective LinesFCCHousingFingal Development Plan 2017-2023. This data set relates to Landscape Specific Objective Lines in the Development Plan 2017-2023The Plan sets out the policies and objectives for the development of the County over the Plan period. It contains the following Architectural...
This Data Set contains the followingDetail of Specific Objectives Areas as per 2023 - 2029 as per the adopted Development Plan for Fingal County Council 2023-2029
South Dublin’s Vacant Sites Register was established on 1st January 2017 and has been populated with a number of sites which have been identified as vacant, fully assessed and gone through the various statutory stages for entry onto the Register. This is an ongoing process and...
Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023. The Plan sets out the policies and objectives for the development of the County over the Plan period. Included in the Zip file are Shapefiles in ITM. It contains – Zoning Objectives - Adopted Dev Plan 2017-2023 Full details of all...
Sites of Geological Interest South Dublin County Development Plan 2022 to 2028 SDCCHousingGeological heritage or ‘geoheritage’is the term used to describe sites or places with features of geology that have important scientific, educational, cultural, or visual value. There are many types of sites. They are made from past and present geological processes (wearing...
Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023. This data set relates to Nature Development Areas in the Development Plan 2017-2023 The Plan sets out the policies and objectives for the development of the County over the Plan period. It contains the following :-...
Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023. This data set relates to ACA Architectural Conservation Areas in the Development Plan 2017-2023 The Plan sets out the policies and objectives for the development of the County over the Plan period. It contains the following...