Ireland’s marine waters host a rich and diverse range of species and habitats, including important fish spawning and nursery areas. Ecosystems provide a series of services for human well-being (ecosystem services) either directly (as food and fibre) or indirectly by providing...
ESB Connections by sector quarterly by LA 2014 to dateHousingThese data are based on the number of new dwellings connected by the ESB to the electricity supply but exclude conversions and demountables. They may not accord precisely with local authority boundaries. The most current data is published on these sheets. Previously published...
Northern & Western Regional Assembly Prompt Payment Return Q1 2017HousingPrompt Payments by Public Sector Bodies Reporting Template pursuant to Government Decision S29296
Referendum on the Twenty-sixth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2002HousingReferendum on Twenty-sixth Amendment of Constitution Bill 2002
This dataset has no description
Prompt Payments by Public Sector Bodies Reporting Template pursuant to Government Decision S29296
Referendum on the Thirty-first Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2012HousingReferendum on Thirty-first Amendment of Constitution Bill 2012
Homelessness data Official homelessness data is produced by local authorities through the Pathway Accommodation and Support System (PASS). PASS was rolled-out nationally during the course of 2013. The Department’s official homelessness statistics are published on a monthly...
BCMS Commencement Notices - Single Residential Units 2017HousingA Commencement Notice (CN) is a notification to a Building Control Authority (BCA) that a person intends to carry out either works or a Material Change of Use to which the Building Regulations apply. The notice must be given to the authority not more than 28 days and not less...
HousingThis Feature Layer View includes the Community metrics for public view for the Local Authority Community Call Response Fora, data pivoted by Local Authority and date.
Planning applications deferred by area 2011 and 2012HousingPlanning applications deferred by area 2011 and 2012
Estimate of Housing Stock for each year ended 31 December - 1991 to dateHousingHousing Stock from 1991 is permanent occupied and unoccupied habitable residential dwellings and is derived by adding in current year completions to the existing housing stock and deducting a fixed obsolescence factor of 0.73% from 1991 to 2002. These figures are...
Prompt Payments by Public Sector Bodies Reporting Template pursuant to Government Decision S29296
Galway County Protected Views. Produced as part of the Galway County Development Plan 2022-2028. See Appendix 4 Landscape Character Assessment and www.galway.ie for further details. Galway has a significant number of expansive views, many of which are readily recognisable...
Strategic Flood Risk assessments relating to the settlements contained in the 2022 to 2028 County Development Plan. See Volume 2 and www.galway.ie for further details.Zone A: Where the probability of flooding from rivers and the sea is highest (greater than 1% or 1 in 100 for...
An Cheathru Rua Local Area Plan 2015 - 2021 as incorporated into the Galway County Development Plan, 2012-2021, by way of a variation to the existing county development plan.Galway County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be...
Westmeath Athlone Local Area Plan 2014-2020. Extended to 2021 enabling completion of the review process. Westmeath County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct or complete. Westmeath County Council accepts no...
Westmeath Mullingar Local Area Plan 2014-2020 Land Use Zoning. Extended to 2021 enabling completion of the review process. Westmeath County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct or complete. Westmeath County...
Roscommon County Council Current Local Area Plan Zoning Dataset. Dataset Publisher: Forward Planning Section, Roscommon County Council, Dataset language: English, Spatial Projection: Web Mercator, Date of Creation: 2011, Update Frequency: As Required. Includes the following...