"Grab samples collected in Tolka Estuary as part of the Water Framework Directive Benthic monitoring programme. For each grab sample collected this dataset contains: - lists and abundance of benthic species >1mm, -sediment particle size analysis (PSA), -Folk (1954)...
Every three years the ICES Working Group on Mackerel and Horse Mackerel Egg Surveys (WGMEGS) coordinates a major survey in the northeast Atlantic. These surveys cover the northeast Atlantic between the Gulf of Cadiz and currently the south coasts of Iceland and Faroes, between...
This dataset relates to WFD Coastal Waterbody Approved Risk assigned to each feature by the Catchment scientists.
Amphibians and reptiles Geographic Coverage: Island of Ireland Temporal Coverage: Mostly observations from 2011 onwards Species Groups recorded: reptile, amphibian Dataset Status: Ongoing
EnvironmentDeployment of a sub-surface mooring at South Rockall (52° 59.956' N, -16° 28.84' W) from the RV Celtic Explorer survey CE18015 on 02/10/2018. Recovered on 28/05/2019 by the RV Celtic Explorer survey CE19009. The purpose of this activity is to collect data to help understand...
A requirement of the Water Framework Directive is that benthic macro-invertebrates must be sampled from coastal and transitional waters at least twice within a river basin cycle (6 years) in order to classify these waterbodies. Numerous samples will be taken from sites in...
National Monitoring Programme for Phytoplankton Species occurrence in Aquaculture Production AreasEnvironmentThe Phytoplankton National Monitoring Programme for the identification and enumeration of phytoplanktonic species is an important measurement in the detection of those species which may form a Harmful Algal Bloom event. Where favourable environmental conditions occur, some...
CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth) measures temperature, salinity, turbidity and flourescence in the water column. Sea temperature is a measurement of the temperature of the water column as the SBE instrument samples to various depths. Salinity is a measure of the salt...
The INtegrated Mapping FOr the Sustainable Development of Ireland's MArine Resource (INFOMAR) programme is a joint venture between the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) and the Marine Institute (MI). The programme is the successor to the Irish National Seabed Survey (INSS)...
Surveys of Áras an Uachtaráin to record and classify habitat types and plant, animal and fungi species occurance. Geographic Coverage: 130 acre site located within the Phoenix Park, Dublin 8, D08E1W3 Temporal Coverage: 2019 and 2020 (plus some historical records) Species...
The PRTR Paper and Wood Production and Processing sector includes the following activities: (a) Industrial plants for the production of pulp from timber or similar fibrous materials. (b) Industrial plants for the production of paper and board and other primary wood products...
The PRTR Production and Processing of Metals sector includes the following activities: (a) Metal ore (including sulphide ore) roasting or sintering installations. (b) Installations for the production of pig iron or steel (primary or secondary melting) including continuous...
The PRTR Other activities sector includes the following activities: (a) Plants for the pre-treatment (operations such as washing, bleaching, mercerisation) or dyeing of fibres or textiles with a treatment capacity of 10 tonnes per day. (b) Plants for the tanning of hides and...
The PRTR Waste and Wastewater Management sector includes the following activities: (a) Installations for the recovery or disposal of hazardous waste receiving 10 tonnes per day. (b) Installations for the incineration of non-hazardous waste in the scope of Directive 2000/76/EC...
PRTR: Animal and vegetable products from the food and beverage sectorEnvironmentThe PRTR Animal and vegetable products from the food and beverage sector includes the following activities: (a) Slaughterhouses with a carcass production capacity of 50 tonnes per day. (b) Treatment and processing intended for the production of food and beverage products from:...
EnvironmentThe PRTR Energy sector includes the following activities: (a) Mineral oil and gas refineries. (b) Installations for gasification and liquefaction. (c) Thermal power stations and other combustion installations with a heat input of 50 megawatts (MW). (d) Coke ovens. (e) Coal...
The PRTR Mineral industry sector includes the following activities: (a) Underground mining and related operations. (b) Opencast mining and quarrying where the surface of the area effectively under extractive operation equals 25 hectares. (c) Installations for the production...
The PRTR Intensive livestock production and aquaculture sector includes the following activities: (a) Installations for the intensive rearing of poultry or pigs (i) With 40 000 places for poultry; (ii) With 2 000 places for production pigs (over 30 kg); (iii) With 750 places...
The PRTR Chemical industry sector includes the following activities: (a) Chemical installations for the production on an industrial scale of basic organic chemicals, such as: (i) Simple hydrocarbons (linear or cyclic, saturated or unsaturated, aliphatic or aromatic); (ii)...
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