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EnvironmentHarbour limits describe the legal limits within which companies may be formed with respect to geographical location of a harbour. That is, a company the harbour of which is situate in the pilotage district of a pilotage authority shall organise and ensure the provision of...
EnvironmentThis water flow network dataset is a route feature class rather than a simple polyline. The geometry is generated by merging the river lines of individual geometric network datasets. This layer contains an integrated flow network that includes known flow connections through...
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Hourly measurements of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and estimated dissolved organ...EnvironmentDissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a general description of the organic material dissolved in water. Organic carbon occurs as the result of decomposition of plant or animal material. Organic carbon present in soil or water bodies may then dissolve when contacted by water. This...
EnvironmentGrab samples collected in Youghal Bay as part of the WFD Benthic monitoring programme. For each grab sample collected this dataset contains: - lists and abundance of benthic species >1mm, -sediment particle size analysis (PSA), -Folk (1954) sediment classification, -and an...
Collaborative Oceanography and Monitoring for Protected Areas and Species (Compass): Task 5 Ocean...EnvironmentThese data addressed the COMPASS programme objective of developing cross-border capacity by drawing together two currently unrelated national hydrodynamic models, the Irish Northeast Atlantic Model and the Scottish Shelf Model (SSM), or an alternative west coast domain, into...
Grab samples collected in Tolka Estuary as part of the WFD Benthic monitoring programme. For each grab sample collected this dataset contains: - lists and abundance of benthic species >1mm, -sediment particle size analysis (PSA), -Folk (1954) sediment classification, -and...
Grab samples collected in the Mouth of Shannon (HAs 23;27) as part of the WFD Benthic monitoring programme. For each grab sample collected this dataset contains: - lists and abundance of benthic species >1mm, -sediment particle size analysis (PSA), -Folk (1954) sediment...
Grab samples collected in Gweebarra Bay as part of the WFD Benthic monitoring programme. For each grab sample collected this dataset contains: - lists and abundance of benthic species >1mm, -sediment particle size analysis (PSA), -Folk (1954) sediment classification, -and...
Grab samples collected in the Barrow Suir Nore Estuary as part of the WFD Benthic monitoring programme. For each grab sample collected this dataset contains: - lists and abundance of benthic species >1mm, -sediment particle size analysis (PSA), -Folk (1954) sediment...
Grab samples collected in Ballysadare Bay as part of the WFD Benthic monitoring programme. For each grab sample collected this dataset contains: - lists and abundance of benthic species >1mm, -sediment particle size analysis (PSA), -Folk (1954) sediment classification, -and...