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EnvironmentThe Harmonie-Arome ensemble developed by Met Éireann is know as IREPS. An ensemble produces a family of possible forecast outcomes given slightly different initial conditions. This helps to determine the range of uncertainty in the weather forecast.
EnvironmentRecords of all species recorded during Ireland's BioBlitz Geographic Coverage: The island of Ireland Temporal Coverage: 2011 onwards Species Groups recorded: liverwort, bacterium, quillwort, insect - hymenopteran, protozoan, hairworm (Nematomorpha), insect - true bug...
Riverine flora and fauna Geographic Coverage: Republic of Ireland Temporal Coverage: 2005 to 2009 Species Groups recorded: liverwort, insect - true bug (Hemiptera), bony fish (Actinopterygii), insect - beetle (Coleoptera), insect - caddis fly (Trichopte, terrestrial mammal,...
EnvironmentDragonfly and damselfly data collated from records submitted to the National Biodiversity Data Centre. Geographic Coverage: The island of Ireland. Temporal Coverage: 1994 to present. Species Groups recorded: insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Dataset Status: Ongoing Additional...
Vascular plant data collated from published reports and discrete surveys submitted to the National Biodiversity Data Centre. Geographic Coverage: Ireland Temporal Coverage: 1837 to present. Species Groups recorded: stonewort, conifer, flowering plant, horsetail, clubmoss, fern...
Spatial distribution of records of carrion beetles Geographic Coverage: The island of Ireland Temporal Coverage: 1825 to 2022 Species Groups recorded: insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Dataset Status: Complete up to December 2021
Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Assessment of progress towards the achievement of Good...EnvironmentIn 2013 Ireland competed an Initial Assessment of its maritime area. This assessment builds on that and is based on monitoring data collected under the Water Framework Directive (Dir 2000/60/EC) and OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme. The objective of this...
EnvironmentScales and otoliths are routinely collected in the Burrishoole catchment within the permanent fish traps as part of the ongoing LTER (long term ecological research) program of monitoring. Scales and otoliths can be indicative of fish growth. Furthermore, scales and otoliths...
EnvironmentThis three week survey was carried out to map the physical features of the Irish seabed using hydrographic techniques and ancillary geophysical equipment. This survey was conducted in the Celtic Sea on board the RV Celtic Explorer. Mapping Ireland's seabed resource...
South Rockall Trough Sub-surface Mooring Pilot Deployment (October 2018 - May 2019) - CTD Data (Raw)EnvironmentThis dataset contains raw water temperature, conductivity (derived salinity) and pressure data from CTD instruments from a pilot deep water mooring deployed at a site (15.52 degrees West, 52.999 degrees North) in the South Rockall Trough close to the M6 met-ocean buoy. The...