Performance metrics for by year No. of Children Active on the CPNS with an Allocated Social Worker
Performance metrics for by year No. of Referrals - Child Welfare
No. of Adults 18-20 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service in Vocational Training including You...HealthPerformance metrics for by year No. of Adults 18-20 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service in Vocational Training including Youthreach
HealthPerformance metrics for by year No. of Young Persons / Adults in Receipt of an Aftercare Service with an Aftercare Plan
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in Residential Special Care
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in Residential General Care with a Written Care Plan
No. of Young Persons/Adults Assessed as Needing an Aftercare Worker with an Aftercare Worker 2020HealthPerformance metrics for by year No. of Young Persons/Adults Assessed as Needing an Aftercare Worker with an Aftercare Worker
HealthPerformance metrics for by year No. of 18-20 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service in Education / Accredited Training
No. of Young Persons/Adults Assessed as Needing an Aftercare Worker with an Aftercare Worker 2019HealthPerformance metrics for by year No. of Young Persons/Adults Assessed as Needing an Aftercare Worker with an Aftercare Worker
Performance metrics for by year No. of Inter-country Adoption Assessments Presented to Local Adoption Committee
Performance metrics for by year No. of 18-22 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service who are at Home
The number of persons Under 6, Over 70 who hold eligibility for a GP Visit Card.
The number of persons who hold eligibility under the GMS and Primary Care Schemes.
Eligibility report details the number of persons and families who hold a Medical Card or GP Visit Card.
Report on the number of Eligible Persons with Medical Cards by CHO, Gender and Age Group.
The number of children under 16 who hold eligibility for a Medical Card under the Domiciliary Care Allowance Scheme.
Report on the number of Eligible Persons with GP Visit Cards by CHO, Gender and Age Group.
The EPA’s Remedial Action List (RAL) is a register of public water supplies with the most serious deficiencies and known to be most at risk, where the EPA is requiring Irish Water to take corrective action to ensure the safety and security of the supplies by a specified date.
The COVID-19 data follows Linked Data principles and resolve to a Web page or RDF file with content negotiation. For example, the following URI for a COVID-19 statistics profile record: http://data.geohive.ie/resource/covid/statprofile/2020-03-30 will redirect to...
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in Residential Special Care with an Allocated Social Worker