Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in an "Other" Placement Type with an Allocated Social Worker
No. of Referrals Screened Out by a Senior Educational Welfare Officer, not Requiring Further Acti...HealthPerformance metrics for by year No. of Referrals Screened Out by a Senior Educational Welfare Officer, not Requiring Further Action
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in Care Aged 6-15
Performance metrics for by year No. of New Individual Children Worked with at Month End
HealthPerformance metrics for by year No. of Cases Closed
Performance metrics for by year No. of Individual Children School Attendance Notices Issued Relate to
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in Residential General Care
Performance metrics for by year No. of Relative Foster Carers Unapproved
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in an "Other" Placement Type with a Written Care Plan
Performance metrics for by year No. of Referrals Screened by a Senior Educational Welfare Officer
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in Residential General Care with an Allocated Social Worker
No. of Unapproved Relative Foster Carers with a Child Placed for Longer than 12 Weeks with an All...HealthPerformance metrics for by year No. of Unapproved Relative Foster Carers with a Child Placed for Longer than 12 Weeks with an Allocated Link Worker
Performance metrics for by year No. of School Attendance Notices Issued (Section 25 Education (Welfare) Act 2000)
Performance metrics for by year No. of Cases Awaiting Allocation that are High Priority
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children Active on the CPNS (12 to 18 Months)
Performance metrics for by year No. of Approved General Foster Carers on the Panel
Performance metrics for by year No. of Completed Applications for Domestic Adoption
Performance metrics for by year No. of Child and Family Support Networks Operating
No. of Official Child Protection & Welfare Referrals Made by Educational Welfare Officers 2019HealthPerformance metrics for by year No. of Official Child Protection & Welfare Referrals Made by Educational Welfare Officers
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in an "Other" Placement Type