A ‘protected structure’ is any structure or specified part of a structure, which is included in the RPS. The purpose of the RPS is to protect structures, or parts of structures, which form part of the architectural heritage and which are of special architectural, historical,...
A ‘protected structure’ is any structure or specified part of a structure, which is included in the RPS. The purpose of the RPS is to protect structures, or parts of structures, which form part of the architectural heritage and which are of special architectural, historical,...
This Chapter sets out the Council’s Specific Local Objectives (SLOs) which, detail the works that the Council intends to initiate and/or give effect to, within the lifetime of the Wicklow County Development Plan, 2022-2028, at specific locations.
As not all coastal areas have the same characteristics or pressures, the County has been divided into coastal ‘cells’ as shown on Maps 19.01 A & B and 19.02. For each cell a set of objectives is set out as follows; the provisions contained are subject to compliance with...
To contribute, as appropriate, towards the protection of designated ecological sites including Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs); Wildlife Sites (including proposed Natural Heritage Areas); Salmonid Waters; Flora Protection Order sites;...
In 2014, the Council in partnership with the Irish Geological Heritage Programme of the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI), assessed the geological heritage of Wicklow and identified the most important sites which are worthy of protection as County Geological Sites (CGS)...
Integrating land use planning with transportation is key to addressing climate change, supporting economic prosperity and improving the quality of life for those who live in County Wicklow. Reducing the need to travel, especially long distances, by private car, and increasing...
This chapter sets out the Settlement Strategy for County Wicklow. The Settlement Strategy is in accordance with the Development Plan Strategy and Core Strategy, as outlined in Chapters 2 and 3. It outlines the strategy for the future development of settlements and the rural...
To ensure that the protection and conservation of the built heritage of Wicklow is an integral part of the sustainable development of the County and safeguard this valuable, and in many instances, non-renewable resource through proper management, sensitive enhancement and...
In accordance with Section 81 of the Planning & Development Act, a development plan shall include an objective to preserve the character of a place, area, group of structures or townscape, taking account of building lines and heights, that a) is of special architectural,...
To ensure that the protection and conservation of the built heritage of Wicklow is an integral part of the sustainable development of the County and safeguard this valuable, and in many instances, non-renewable resource through proper management, sensitive enhancement and...
GovernmentAny development that may, due to its size, location or nature, have implications for archaeological heritage (including both sites and areas of archaeological potential / significance as identified in Schedules 08.01 & 08.02 and Maps 8.01 & 8.02 of this plan) shall be...
Wicklow County Council's Land use Zoning layer. For the most accurate information refer to the "Stage 7 Wicklow County Development Plan 2022 - 2028" page on our Website....
EnvironmentThe views and prospects listed in this plan for protection are those views / prospects that are considered to be of the highest amenity value in the County. Some views / prospects will form a cohesive set, such as coastal or lake drives, while some appear suddenly and provide...
Key Species Prices Table 2021, based on all vessel nationalities landing into Ireland, and sourced from Sales Notes.
This dataset has no description
https://www.wicklow.ie/Living/Services/Planning/Derelict-Vacant-Sites/Derelict-Sites Details of the Derelict Site Register and access to the register and a complaint form. Under the Derelict Sites Act 1990, all planning authorities are required to establish and maintain a...
Wicklow County Council's Landuse Zoning layer. For the most accurate information refer to the "Development Plans & Strategies" page on our Website. (https://www.wicklow.ie/Living/Services/Planning/Development-Plans-Strategies).
https://www.wicklow.ie/Living/Services/Planning/Derelict-Vacant-Sites/Vacant-Sites In accordance with the Urban Regeneration & Housing Act 2015, all Planning Authorities are required to establish and maintain a Vacant Sites Register. The current register is available to...
Major Sites of Archaeological Importance(CDP2016 - 2022)