Views (CDP 2022 - 2028)

Category: Environment
Views: 133
Openness rating:

The views and prospects listed in this plan for protection are those views / prospects that are considered to be of the highest amenity value in the County. Some views / prospects will form a cohesive set, such as coastal or lake drives, while some appear suddenly and provide the viewer with a new and interesting angle on a natural feature or place. Some views / prospects are intermittent in nature and appear through gaps in vegetation or buildings. Where listed views / prospect occur in settlements, it is not the intention that all lands in the view / prospect will be ‘sterilised’ from development. Any application for development in such locations will be required to provide an assessment of the view / prospect and an evaluation of how the development would change or interfere with that view / prospect. Views and prospects listed for the towns of Bray, Wicklow, Arklow and Greystones-Delgany are listed and mapped in each individual Town Development Plan / Local Area Plan. The policies and objectives set out in this Plan shall apply to all views/prospects listed for preservation in these local plans. Views and prospects listed in this plan for County are set out in Schedules 17.11 & 17.12 and Maps 17.10 A, B, C, D & 17.11 of this plan.

Data Resources (4)


Data Resource Preview - GeoJSON

Data Owner Open Data Office Wicklow County Council
Data Owner Email
Data Owner Telephone 040420100
Theme Environment
Date released 2023-01-01
Date updated 2023-01-01
Update frequency Never
Language English
Landing page
Geographic coverage Wicklow County
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM, EPSG:2157)