This dataset contains information on the location of protected structures in Cork City Council, as identified in the Cork City Council Development Plan 2022-2028. The data is used to inform planning policy, protect scenic routes and to guide appropriate development.
EnvironmentThis shapefile holds positive records for Common frog (Rana temporaria) from the National Frog Survey of Ireland 2010/2011. The survey was the first study to make a quantitative assessment of the conservation status of the EU Annex V (Habitats Directive) species 1213 Rana...
This dataset represents a snapshot of Special Areas of Conservation taken in September 2016 for the purpose of the WFD RBMP Cycle 2. These are prime wildlife conservation areas in the country, considered to be important on a European as well as Irish level. Most Special Areas...
This dataset represents a snapshot of Special Protection Areas taken in September 2016 for the purpose of the WFD RBMP Cycle 2. The EU Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) requires designation of SPAs for listed rare and vulnerable species, regularly occurring migratory species, such...
This dataset represents a subset of Special Protection Areas that have protected water species. Detail on the water dependencies of protected species was provided by National Parks and Wildlife Service. This snapshot was taken of this subset of national SPAs for the purpose of...
This dataset represents a subset of Special Areas of Conservation that have protected water dependent habitats or species. Detail on the water dependencies of protected habitats and species was provided by National Parks and Wildlife Service. This snapshot was taken of this...
EnvironmentSite-specific conservation objectives aim to define favourable conservation condition for Habitats Directive Annex I habitats, Annex II species at a site level and the SPA special conservation interest "wetlands and waterbirds". This project relates to the following Annex I...
The Heritage Council’s main commitment to collections care comes through its support of the Museum Standards Programme for Ireland (MSPI). This important initiative, with participants from a wide range of Irish collecting institutions, sets out to raise standards of care...
The Badger and Habitat Survey of Ireland 1989 - 1995EnvironmentThis GIS dataset holds records from the Badger and Habitat Survey of Ireland 1989 - 1995. The survey was carried out on behalf of the National Parks and Wildlife Service and the Department of Agriculture. In total, 729 1km squares were assessed for badger setts and by habitat...
National Ecosystem and Ecosystem Services Map – Key factors for ecosystem service mapping: Contri...EnvironmentA raster dataset detailing to how many ecological networks an area contributes. Networks considered are the grassland, woodland, wetland, and upland network. This dataset is part of a dataset series that establishes an ecosystem service maps (national scale) for a set of...
The aim of this survey was to obtain a general overview of the maritime-related collections in Ireland, to ascertain the location, ownership, condition, overall theme, and nature of the contents of each collection. It is neither an inventory nor a full evaluation of the...
NPWS Flora Protection Order Map Viewer – Bryophytes dataEnvironmentThis dataset contains the location data published in the NPWS Flora Protection Order Map Viewer – Bryophytes http://bit.ly/2BxDNUA The Flora (Protection) Order, 2015 (S.I. No. 356 of 2015) gives legal protection to 65 species of bryophytes in the Republic of Ireland (25...
National Ecosystem and Ecosystem Services Map – Land Promoting Good Water QualityEnvironmentThis dataset contains a raster file showing the contribution of land to the maintenance of high water quality, though natural filtration of sediment. This dataset is part of a dataset series that establishes an ecosystem service maps (national scale) for a set of services...
National Ecosystem and Ecosystem Services Map – Areas of land contributing to terrestrial food pr...EnvironmentThis dataset contains a raster file showing the contribution of land to terrestrial food provision. This includes agricultural crops and livestock, as well as harvesting of wild food. This dataset is part of a dataset series that establishes an ecosystem service maps (national...
EnvironmentThis dataset holds records from the National Otter Survey of Ireland 2010/2011. Observations of mink have also been recorded and are included in this dataset, along with records of other non-targeted species (Fox, Badger, Heron, Dipper, Moorhen, and Coot). Additional...
EnvironmentThis GIS dataset contains records of Lesser Horseshoe bats from known bat roosts. Records are presented in 1km resolution and contain a subset of attributes held in the NPWS Lesser horseshoe bat database. Some observations of non-targeted bat species have been recorded as well...
Ancient and Long-established Woodland Inventory 2010EnvironmentAncient woodland refers to those woods that have had a continuous history of cover since before the period when planting and afforestation became common practice (mid‐1600s). These woodlands are important in terms of their biological and cultural value, and may even form links...
Article 12 Birds Directive Reporting 2008-2012 Dataset SeriesEnvironmentThe Birds Directive (Directive 2009/147/EC) came into force in Ireland in 1981. Article 12 of this directive requires Member States to report on the implementation of national provisions taken under this Directive including specific reporting on status and trends of bird...
Museums, Collections and Archives dataset created and managed by the Heritage Council. This dataset is a comprehensive record of natural and cultural heritage facilities open to the public across the island of Ireland. The dataset was created to provide a comprehensive list of...
The Irish Landmark Trust, since 1992, have been saving some of Ireland’s most iconic buildings, and making them accessible to the wider community. We restore properties sensitively, with a focus on best practices in conservation, as well as comfort for our guests. An Irish...