Co. Kerry Architectural Conservation Areas

Category: Environment
Views: 4
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This dataset contains polygon data showing the location of the Architectural Conservation Areas in -Kerry County Council. This forms part of the Development Plan.

An architectural conservation area (ACA) is a place, area, group of structures or townscape, taking account of building lines and heights, that is of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest or that contributes to the appreciation of a protected structure, and whose character it is an objective of a development plan to preserve.

Data Resources (1)

available as HTML
Theme Environment
Date released 2008-06-30
Date updated 2013-07-31
Dataset conforms to these standards The INSPIRE Directive or INSPIRE lays down a general framework for a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) for the purposes of European Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment.
Rights notes {"Reference Only","No limitations on public access",otherRestrictions}
Update frequency Other
Language English
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-10.693, 51.632],[-10.693, 52.614], [-9.197, 52.614], [-9.197, 51.632], [-10.693, 51.632]]]}
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) TM65 / Irish National Grid (EPSG:29900) (Same as EPSG:29902)
Vertical Extent {"verticalDomainName": "Malin Ordnance Datum", "minVerticalExtent": "0", "maxVerticalExtent": "500"}
Provenance information This dataset was digitised from 1:1000 OSi vextor mapping. The source datum is Irish National Grid.