Contracts for Mini-Competitions and Standalone Awards 2023 Q1-Q4

Category: Economy
Views: 13
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The Government launched an initiative in April 2014 (Circular 10/14) to assist Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) in Public Sector Procurement. One of these measures requires Public Buyers to publish all award details over €25,000 (ex VAT) on the eTenders website on completion of the contract signing. This provision came into effect from 1 August 2014. In situations where the procurement competition was managed outside of eTenders, it was not possible to enter contract award information as there was no preceding tender notice. The contract management facility on eTenders now allows contracting authorities to enter details for these types of standalone awards and mini competitions (call-off from frameworks).

This dataset contains all such contracts entered by contracting authorities on eTenders for Q1-Q4 of 2023

Data Resources (1)

Contracts for Mini-Competitions and Standalone Awards 2023 Q1-Q4

Data Resource Preview - Contracts for Mini-Competitions and Standalone Awards 2023 Q1-Q4

Theme Economy
Language English
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