Council Allotments DLR

Category: Energy
Views: 81
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Council operated allotments located within the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council administrative area. The Council operates allotments at two locations in the County. At Goatstown, the Parks Service manage allotments which are provided on lands reserved for the construction of the Eastern bypass road. There are 136 allotments ranging in size between 40 and 200 square meters. The individual gardeners are organised in an allotment association which represents the needs of the plot holders. At Shankill, there are 95 allotments located on the grounds of Quinn's Road. Information includes name, number of allotments, latitude, longitude and ITM coordinates.

Data Resources (5)

Location and information on council allotments
Location and information on council allotments
Location and information on council allotments
Datastore resource derived from "allotments_dlr" in [this resource](363f8a3f-ed4e-4b8d-8e0d-8da2ad263d16), available...
WMS publishing of the GeoServer layer "allotments_dlr" stored in [this resource](d9f10aad-a57d-4dfa-8117-f2b733a392df)

Data Resource Preview - Council Allotments DLR - GeoJSON

Theme Energy
Date released 2021-10-07
Date updated 2021-12-07
Update frequency Irregular
Language English
Landing page
Geographic coverage Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM, EPSG:2157)