Road Sweeping Schedule DLR

Category: Transport
Views: 225
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Schedule and Order of Road Sweeping for the administrative area of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. These files contain the details of road sweeping in the DLR Co Co administrative area. The csv file contains the order and rota in which the roads will be swept and the pdf file displays the 2023 road sweeping calander. Note:These schedules are based on an assumption of full resources of staff and machinery being available. There will be no service on Bank Holidays. Please note that this frequency of sweeping cannot always be achieved for reasons such as: staff cover for absence is unavailable, vehicles breakdowns, parked cars blocking areas, during Autumn leaf fall or for operational reasons such as requirements for traffic management.

Data Resources (2)

This a list of the roads and the order in which they are swept
Road Sweeping Calendar 2024

Data Resource Preview - Road Sweeping Schedule - csv

Theme Transport
Date released 2015-07-28
Date updated 2024-07-12
Update frequency Annual
Language English
Landing page
Geographic coverage Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers 2023