Hire Rentals FCC

Category: Transport
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This Data set shows the number of Hire Rentals that Fingal County Council, have hired on a loan situation for tasks that arise due to storms, unknow projects this includes the monthly hire figures and the number of contractors whom Fingal have used to supply on short term loan to Fingal County Council.That our Fleet Management Services Department deem better value to Hire than purchase due to usage and cost effectiveness.To see our Fleet look for our other Data Set - Vehicular Fleet_ FCC to see our list of our extensive Fleet of Vehicle that Fingal County Council have procured.

Data Resources (1)

ArcGIS Hub Dataset
Theme Transport
Date released 2024-07-23
Date updated 2025-02-26
Language English
Landing page https://data.smartdublin.ie/dataset/hire-rentals-fcc1
Geographic coverage Fingal
High Value Dataset (HVD) No