HSPAL110 - Adopted and implemented technologies after Health Technology Assessments report

Category: Government
Views: 2
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Adopted and implemented technologies after Health Technology Assessments report

Data Resources (4)

Adopted and implemented technologies after Health...
Adopted and implemented technologies after Health...
Adopted and implemented technologies after Health...
Adopted and implemented technologies after Health...

Data Resource Preview - Adopted and implemented technologies after Health Technology Assessments report

Data Owner Nikita Ellul
Data Owner Email info@health.gov.ie
Theme Government
Date updated 2024-07-02
Language English
Landing page https://ws.cso.ie/public/api.restful/PxStat.Data.Cube_API.ReadDataset/HSPAL110/JSON-stat/2.0/en
High Value Dataset (HVD) No
High Value Dataset Category Statistics