ICPSS 2010-2014 Erosion Rate Line

Category: Society
Views: 26
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Abstract: This layer shows the estimated annual rate of erosion.

Lineage: Annual erosion rates were estimated based on a comparison of the natural vegetation line in Ordnance Survey Aerial Photography produced between 1970-2000.

The erosion maps have been produced for existing conditions only and do not include for projected future changes in climate such as sea level rise, increased storm frequency or associated variations in erosion rates.

The ICPSS erosion hazard mapping is for strategic purposes, and minor or local features may not have been included in their preparation. Therefore, the maps should not be used to assess the erosion hazard and risk associated with individual properties or point locations, or to replace a detailed local erosion hazard and risk assessment. It was not possible to eliminate the effect of existing coastal defence structures from the erosion hazard and risk assessment. Consequently, there will be areas where no erosion line is shown that are at risk from erosion, should present defences fail or not be maintained in the future. Equally, there may be an erosion line shown in areas that are now adequately defended by coastal protection structure that were introduced during or after the assessment period.

Purpose: This data provides information required to inform policy in the management of risks associated with coastal flooding and coastal erosion. This is particularly relevant for local authorities in relation to the proper planning and development of coastal areas. The Irish Coastal Protection Strategy Study (ICPSS) is a national study that was commissioned in 2003 with the objective of providing information to support decision making about how best to manage risks associated with coastal flooding and coastal erosion. The Study was completed in 2013 and provides strategic current scenario and future scenario (up to 2100) coastal flood hazard maps and strategic coastal erosion maps for the national coastline.

Data Resources (1)

ICPSS 2010-2014 Erosion Rate Line Shapefile

Data Resource Preview - ICPSS 2010-2014 Erosion Rate Line Shapefile

Data Owner Office of Public Works
Data Owner Email flood_data@opw.ie
Data Owner Telephone +353469422000
Theme Society
Date released 2014-01-01
Update frequency Never
Language English
Geographic coverage National
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) TM75 / Irish Grid (EPSG:29903)
OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers 2010-2014
High Value Dataset (HVD) true
Applicable Legislation
  1. http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg_impl/2023/138/oj