International Ferries

Published by: Marine Institute
Category: Environment
Views: 16
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Europe Ferries represents the ferry routes in Europe.

Data Resources (1)

Live Data and Maps
Theme Environment
Date released 2008-04-01
Date updated 2010-11-18
Rights notes {"See legal constraints.","The data are provided by multiple, third party data vendors under license to ESRI for inclusion on ESRI Data & Maps for use with ESRI® software. Each data vendor has its own data licensing policies and may grant varying redistribution rights to end users. Please consult the redistribution rights below for this data set provided on ESRI Data & Maps. As used herein, “Geodata” shall mean any digital data set consisting of geographic data coordinates and associated attributes.The redistribution rights for this data set: Redistribution rights are granted by the data vendor for hard-copy renditions or static, electronic map images (e.g. .gif, .jpeg, etc.) that are plotted, printed, or publicly displayed with proper metadata and source/copyright attribution to the respective data vendor(s).The terms and conditions below apply to all the data sets provided on ESRI Data & Maps.Proprietary Rights and Copyright: Licensee acknowledges that the Data and Related Materials contain proprietary and confidential property of ESRI and its licensor(s). The Data and Related Materials are owned by ESRI and its licensor(s) and are protected by United States copyright laws and applicable international copyright treaties and/or conventions.Limited Warranty and Disclaimer: ESRI warrants that the media upon which the Data and Related Materials are provided will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of receipt.THE DATA AND RELATED MATERIALS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE LIMITED WARRANTY, AND THE LICENSEE EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE DATA CONTAINS SOME NONCONFORMITIES, DEFECTS, OR ERRORS. ESRI DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE DATA WILL MEET LICENSEE'S NEEDS OR EXPECTATIONS; THAT THE USE OF THE DATA WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED; OR THAT ALL NONCONFORMITIES, DEFECTS, OR ERRORS CAN OR WILL BE CORRECTED. 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THESE LIMITATIONS SHALL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY EXCLUSIVE REMEDY.Third Party Beneficiary: ESRI's licensor(s) has (have) authorized ESRI to (sub)distribute and (sub)license its (their) data as incorporated into the Data and Related Materials. As an intended third party beneficiary to this Agreement, the ESRI licensor(s) is (are) entitled to directly enforce, in its own name, the rights and obligations undertaken by the Licensee and to seek all legal and equitable remedies as are afforded to ESRI.In the event that the data vendor(s) has (have) granted the end user permission to redistribute the Geodata, please use proper proprietary or copyright attribution for the various data vendor(s), and provide the associated metadata file(s) with the Geodata. In compliance with FGDC metadata standards, ESRI has attempted to practice proper metadata methodologies by providing any data source information, descriptions, and file names to assist in this effort.",otherRestrictions}
Update frequency Annual
Language English
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-28.6251, 27.9649],[-28.6251, 78.2939], [44.5513, 78.2939], [44.5513, 27.9649], [-28.6251, 27.9649]]]}
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) TM65 / Irish Grid (EPSG:29902)
Provenance information AND Global Road Data (source 1 of 1) AND International Publishers N.V. (AND Products B.V.), 2006, AND Global Road Data: AND Global Road Data 2006–H2-V1.0, AND International Publishers N.V., Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Online links: Other citation details: Level: Europe (Level 2) Type of source media: DVD–ROM Source scale denominator: 250000 Source contribution: Attribute and geospatial data Date: 20070410 (change 1 of 1) The following steps were performed by ESRI: Extracted the data set (eur5_sr_r.shp) from AND Global Road Data. Removed all features where values of the LEVEL attribute are greater than 2. Removed all features but the ferries. Removed unneeded attributes and renamed others. Added the PAS_FLAG attribute from the RD_TONNAGE attribute. Added the CNTRYNAME attribute and coded it based on values from Europe Countries. Added the LENGTH attribute and calculated its values. Converted the data set to SDC. Created ArcGIS® layer file (.lyr), projection file (.prj), and spatial indices. Data sources used in this process: AND Global Road Data