Public Lighting DCC

Published by: Dublin City Council
Category: Transport
Views: 2850
Openness rating:

Street Lighting This dataset is extracted from Dublin City Council's street lights management system and consists of public lighting assets in the Dublin City Council administrative area regardless of full asset ownership (Dublin City Council, ESBN and LUAS assets are included). The data includes assets’ locations and location co-ordinates in Latitude and Longitude.

Data Resources (7)

DCC PL Assert List_Open Data_260321
Public Lighting Assert List_DCC 2021
DCC lighting locations with site name, unit number and unit type. This file was generated from the CSV file.
Street Lighting This dataset is extracted from Dublin City Council's street lights management system and consists...
Datastore resource derived from "DCC public lighting" in [this resource](feef6a85-4895-4b86-b423-e2e68d92305c),...
Street Lighting This dataset is extracted from Dublin City Council's street lights management system and consists...
WMS publishing of the GeoServer layer "feef6a85-4895-4b86-b423-e2e68d92305c" stored in [this...

Data Resource Preview - Public Lighting DCC geojson file

Theme Transport
Date released 2001-01-01
Date updated 2024-04-05
Update frequency Annual
Language English
Landing page
Geographic coverage Dublin City
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers 2021