Polling District shapefiles


Shapefiles (in KML format if possible) for each polling district within each of the constituencies for the next General Election,

Additional Info

Creator Constituency Polling District shapefiles
Online URL
Public Sector Body Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government
Potential Use

This could be used by tallymen and journalists at count centres to visually present the latest tally figures as they come in for an election count.

Likes 151
Created 6 years ago
Closed Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • matt (Unauthenticated user) (3 years ago)

    Any update on this ?

  • Willie (Unauthenticated user) (4 years ago)

    Hi, My understanding is that the GIS department of some of the local authorities have these boundaries. I feel these boundary files would be very valuable in analyzing the national and local elections

  • Joe (Unauthenticated user) (6 years ago)

    Thanks for that - is it at least possible to ask all those local authorities to make those datasets available?

  • We have checked with the DHPLG who do not have this dataset and are not aware if a national database exists. It would seem that data on the extent of polling districts are held by local authorities, but in a text format, describing the boundaries of the polling district, rather than in geographical format. Sorry that we could not be of assistance. Open Data Team, 12/10/2018