Reported Obstructions to Dublin Street Parking Service (DSPS)


A dataset of detailed information on all reported obstructions (parking violations) made by members of the public to Dublin Street Parking Services (DSPS). Each line should contain the locations of the reported obstruction, a description of the obstruction, and the enforcement actions taken, and any other associated relevant information. It would be particularly useful if this dataset could contain a breakdown by electoral area or postcode. Dataset should be available from approximately 2021 to date.

Additional Info

Creator Reported Parking Violations to Dublin Street Parking Services
Organisation Dublin City Council
Online URL
Public Sector Body Dublin Street Parking Services on behalf of Dublin City Council.
Potential Use

This dataset would be very useful for members of the public, elected representatives and Council officials to identify areas of non-compliance, types of parking violations, black spots that might warrant further attention and the response and performance of DSPS to meet public need. This is a particularly useful dataset for disability access advocates and active travel advocates as offences like footpath parking particularly impact more vulnerable road users.

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Created 3 months ago
Closed Not closed yet
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