fire safety certificate data


We would like to inquire how we could access your building and/or fire safety certificate database. We are interested in any hard data regarding Irish buildings. Our first interest would be in residential buildings.

Additional Info

Creator fire safety certificate data
Organisation Geowox
Online URL
Public Sector Body An Bord Pleanála
Potential Use

To provide our clients, financial sector service providers like real estate insurers, with detailed safety and risk factors.

Likes 136
Created 5 years ago
Closed Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • paulfitzpatrick (4 years ago)

    Update sent to An Bord Pleanála for consideration on 30/06/20. Open Data Team.

  • Paul (Unauthenticated user) (5 years ago)

    Could we get an update please?

  • Open Data Team (Unauthenticated user) (5 years ago)

    Update sent to An Bord Pleanála for consideration on 13/05/20. Open Data Team.

  • Open Data Team (Unauthenticated user) (5 years ago)

    Request also sent to LGMA to see if data can be obtained via the Building Control Management System (BCMS). 12/05/20

  • Open Data Unit (Unauthenticated user) (5 years ago)

    Request sent to An Bord Pleanála for consideration on 21/04/20. Open Data Team.