Forest / woodland mapping


GIS shapefiles of forest parcels with associated variables such as species and planting year.

Additional Info

Creator Irish Forest Maps
Organisation Dept of Ag
Online URL

not online, currently have to request via Govt Data Agreement on paper to GIS Data Dept in Wexford

Public Sector Body Forestry Data – Assistant Principal Officer (Ms. Ann Cunningham) at GIS Unit, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Johnstown Castle Estate, Wexford
Potential Use

forest mapping

Likes 161
Created 3 years ago
Closed Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • Oliver Donoghue (Unauthenticated user) (3 weeks ago)

    Historic Woodland/Icehouse at Moydrum Castle Athlone can we add this to the woodland mapping

  • paulfitzpatrick (3 years ago)

    According to DAFM they provide data for the private forest estate only. This data will include new forests planted up to the end of 2020.

    For access to other GIS shapefiles, Coillte should be approached separately for their spatial data holdings. 26/11/21. Open Data Team.

  • paulfitzpatrick (3 years ago)

    Request sent to the D/Agriculture, Food and the Marine for consideration on 05/11/21. Open Data Team.