Sustainable Urban Drainage System SUDS Register FCC

Category: Energy
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This data set contains the Register of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDs) completed in Fingal County Council Administrative area This database contains location and description information for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDs) installed as per final drainage drawings referenced to planning applications granted by Fingal County Council  2022. 'SUDs is a sustainable approach to rainwater management that mimics natural hydrological processes to reduce stormwater runoff and add amenity value. Typical SUDs installations included in register include attenuation tank, permeable paving, detention pond, swales, green roof, infilatration trences/soakaways, filter drains, permeable paving, filter drain etc. For further information on SUDs see

Data Resources (1)

ArcGIS Hub Dataset
Theme Energy
Date released 2023-03-01
Date updated 2024-03-01
Language English
Landing page
Geographic coverage Fingal