Visit the Open Data Exhibition Stand at the Data Summit on 15/16 June 2017

7 June 2017

The Minister for Data Protection and the Government Data Forum are hosting the Data Summit on 15 and 16 June this year in the Convention Centre Dublin and the Open Data Unit is delighted to have the opportunity to host an exhibition stand at the event to highlight the Open Data Portal and Open Data Initiative generally. A short exhibitor talk will be given on the portal at 13.15pm on Thursday 15th June.

The Summit brings together a range of stakeholders, nationally and internationally, to discuss some of the key issues arising from the ever expanding role of data in modern life.

The Data Summit will be of real interest and benefit to anyone working in the area of data and the programme covers issues as wide ranging as artificial intelligence and the ethical considerations around personal data to practical ‘how to’ sessions for public and private sector organisations as they prepare for the new General Data Protection Regulation and for people looking to get a better understanding of how to manage their own data.

The Summit will also work to showcase good use examples of data across the public, not-for-profit and private sectors and a number of departments and public sector bodies are speaking and exhibiting at the event.

Speakers confirmed to date include Helen Dixon, the Irish Data Protection Commissioner; Vint Cerf, Internet Pioneer and Vice President, Google; Prof. Joe Cannataci, UN Special Rapporteur on Privacy; David Bray, Chief Information Officer, US Federal Communications Commission; and Seamus Carroll, Head of Civil Law Reform, Department of Justice.

The programme and speakers for the Summit can be found at

We hope to see you there!