TransportNational and International Ferry Routes to/from Ireland. Data was created from MIDA for use in Marine Strategy Framework Directive article 8, 9 10 reporting.
Location of marine basin divisions in the North Atlantic around Ireland. A geological basin is a large low-lying area. It is often below sea level. There are five designated basins and each basin represents a large submarine depression of a generally circular, elliptical or...
Estimated annual average wave period (seconds) created by a Pelamis Wave Model for Accessible Wave Energy Resource Atlas. Wave period values are measured as lower and upper values in seconds as calculated by the Pelamis wave model. Annual average wave period covers an area...
Bathymetry water depth survey including Esri raster Grid and contour vector lines at 1m intervals. Data coverage includes Lough Feeagh in the Burrishoole catchment Co. Mayo Ireland. Data collected from 2002 survey. Data collected using standard echosounder device gear mounted...
This review presents information on the status of selected shellfish stocks in Ireland. In addition data on the fleet (<13m) and landings for all species of shellfish (excluding Nephrops) are presented. The intention of the annual reviews is to present stock assessment and...
Average concentrations in 2014 for Nitrogen (mg/l N03) in samples from monitoring locations on the Irish Environmental Protection Agency Water Framework Directive (WFD) Groundwater Monitoring Network.
EnvironmentThe locations of Commercial Ports around Ireland. Data sourced from the Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO) and SeaDataNet Ports Gazeteer.
The aim of this survey was to obtain a general overview of the maritime-related collections in Ireland, to ascertain the location, ownership, condition, overall theme, and nature of the contents of each collection. It is neither an inventory nor a full evaluation of the...
The aim of the Shellfish Waters Directive is to protect or improve shellfish waters in order to support shellfish life and growth. It is designed to protect the aquatic habitat of bivalve and gastropod molluscs, which include oysters, mussels, cockles, scallops and clams. The...
EnvironmentThis dataset consists of marine habitat information around Valentia island. The habitats are classified according to the European Nature Information System (EUNIS). The EUNIS habitat classification is a comprehensive pan-European system to facilitate the harmonised description...
EnvironmentThis dataset contains hydrometric time series data of water level and river flow in >300 Irish rivers, lakes, springs and groundwater monitoring sites. The sites are owned by Local Authorities and operated by the EPA. The data set also contains the national hydrometric...
EnvironmentAchoimre: Sainítear na Líonraí Gaeilge de réir teorainneacha Lonnaíochta nó Toghranna (CSO). Foilsítear an tacar sonraí sin ar líne tríd an Amharcóir Pleanála Teanga arna reáchtáil ag an Roinn Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta: http://arcg.is/2nkqdMb Abstract: The Irish...
The EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) establishes a framework for the protection, improvement and management of surface waters and groundwaters. The Subcatchment dataset is built on clusters of river water body polygons and are entirely contained within the...
NPWS Flora Protection Order Map Viewer – Bryophytes dataEnvironmentThis dataset contains the location data published in the NPWS Flora Protection Order Map Viewer – Bryophytes http://bit.ly/2BxDNUA The Flora (Protection) Order, 2015 (S.I. No. 356 of 2015) gives legal protection to 65 species of bryophytes in the Republic of Ireland (25...
Seasonal density driven transport from the Irish Offshore Strategic Environmental Assessment (IOSEA).
This dataset shows the overall annual bathing water quality following monitoring carried out by Local Authorities over the bathing period which runs from 1st June to 15th September annually. The assessments are carried out on designated Bathing water locations as part of the...
The All-Island Accessibility Mapping Tool provides an analysis of access to settlements and key service infrastructure such as transport, education and health facilities across Ireland. Accessibility score are available for Towns, Health Facilities, Education Services, Retail...
EnvironmentThe dataset provides sea surface temperature and sea temperature information from a network of internal logging temperature sensors at 17 locations around the Irish coast. The TidbiT Temperature loggers have recorded hourly at each site providing a comprehensive time series...
EnvironmentRock outcrops in Mannin Bay traced from Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) shaded relief imagery.
This file contains original variables from the CSO regarding Males under 25 who are signing on the Live Register in 124 Social Welfare Offices in the Republic of Ireland. Data is available on a monthly basis from February 2008 to June 2014.