Education and SportThis file contains the location and accepted materials of Bring Banks in DLR
This dataset contains spatial data from a 2012 audit of the geological sites of Roscommon. The audit was conducted by Matthew Parkes, Robert Meehan, and Sophie Préteseille with assistance from Roscommon County Council and funding from the Heritage Council and Roscommon County...
Ireland’s marine waters host a rich and diverse range of species and habitats, including important fish spawning and nursery areas. Ecosystems provide a series of services for human well-being (ecosystem services) either directly (as food and fibre) or indirectly by providing...
Dublin Housing Task Force Q2 2018 Tier 1 Sites with planning permissionHousingDublin Housing Task Force Q2 2018 Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 2 2018 Returns Background - Construction 2020 In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy...
Ireland’s marine waters host a rich and diverse range of species and habitats, including important fish spawning and nursery areas. Ecosystems provide a series of services for human well-being (ecosystem services) either directly (as food and fibre) or indirectly by providing...
Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund (LIHAF)HousingLocal Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund (LIHAF) project location and plans, developments, and updates.
As an Island nation, fishing has always been economically and socially important to our country. Ireland’s proximity to the rich, productive seas of the North East Atlantic provides an ideal resource on which to continue to develop the seafood sector. Ireland’s coastline,...
The Defence Organisation provides a broad range of marine security services; it also undertakes a diverse range of non-security related tasks in Irish waters and beyond. The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) as competent Authority has a Service Level Agreement with the...
Ireland’s marine waters host a rich and diverse range of species and habitats, including important fish spawning and nursery areas. Ecosystems provide a series of services for human well-being (ecosystem services) either directly (as food and fibre) or indirectly by providing...
The Programme for Government is committed to develop comprehensive legislation for the identification, designation, and management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Irish territorial waters.